BMBF is funding MANTRA – the umbrella project to the MaterialNeutral Materials Hub Initiative
With MANTRA – data on innovative materials for sustainability and transfer – the BMBF is funding a science communication project for 3.5 years from January 2024 for networking, public relations and the development of indicators for sustainability as well as industry/practice transfer. These topics will be communicated via a website, brochures and information flyers using an interdisciplinary approach. The aim of the material hub initiative “MaterialNeutral – Materials for Process Efficiency” is to develop mission-orientated material innovations for critical social and industry-relevant issues using a holistic and cross-actor approach. Cooperation and synergy potentials between science, industry and society are to be utilised in the best possible way in terms of sustainability and resource efficiency.
The project consortium consists of the partners DECHEMA (coordinator), KIT, UFZ, TU Berlin, and Subcontractor NanoCASE.
The DaNa4.0 Team
The team of the BMBF project DaNa4.0 dealt with the question of whether new, innovative materials, including nanomaterials, can be harmful to humans and the environment and how humans and the environment come into contact with these materials. DaNa4.0 was the follow-up project to DaNa2.0 (2013-2019) and built on its results.
The DaNa4.0 project ended in November 2023. The website with information on the safety and sustainability of innovative materials is still available. Updates will no longer be made.
Current information on innovative materials for sustainability and transfer will be available from June 2024 on the MANTRA project website via
The scientists in the fields of human toxicology, ecotoxicology, biology and chemistry prepared complex, toxicological issues from current materials research in an generally understandable format for non-scientists, i.e. interested consumers, journalists, politicians, NGOs, etc. The scientists communicated these topics via this website, brochures and information flyers.
In addition, the scientific results from the projects of the current BMBF funding measure NanoCare4.0 were processed and integrated into this knowledge base. The team of experts analysed current scientific literature on human and environmental toxicology of new, advanced and application-safe materials / nanomaterials to expand the knowledge platform. The evaluation of these current research results for the DaNa knowledge base was based on a careful scientific approach using the DaNa criteria catalogue.

Dr. Christoph Steinbach
Coordinator, Website

Dr. Katja Nau
Human toxicology, Website

Dr. Dana Kühnel
Environmental toxicology

Dr. Andreas Mattern
Environmental toxicology

Prof. em. Dr. Harald Krug
Human toxicology, Environmental toxicology

Karin Krug
Text revision