InnoMat.Life final conference
From Nano- to Advanced Materials: Lessons learnt in InnoMat.Life
27. – 28.06.2022, Berlin, Germany
This conference addresses stakeholders from policy, science, industry and NGOs who are dealing with regulatory implications of innovative materials in the context of chemical safety. InnoMat.Life will present the final project outcomes and aims to discuss them in a broader context of other ongoing initiatives.
For further informationen please see: https://www.bfr-akademie.de/english/innomatlife.html
If you wish to present a poster, please use this online form to submit your abstract: https://akademie.bfr.berlin/437127

EUON Opinion on nanoplastics and the challenges of environmental risk assessment
Our DaNa colleague Dana Kühnel from UFZ Leipzig recently published together with Anita Jemec Kokalj from University of Ljubljana an opinion in the Nanopinion section of the EUON: Are nanoplastics hazardous? The way forward to overcome the uncertainties of risk assessment. The scientists explain what criteria have to be described to evaluate the different properties of nanoplastics. The short article sums up that the development of nanoplastic specific guidelines are crucial and would decrease uncertainties in the risk assessment of nano sized plastics.
Read the complete article here https://euon.echa.europa.eu/de/nanopinion/-/blogs/are-nanoplastics-hazardous-the-way-forward-to-overcome-the-uncertainties-of-risk-assessment
EUON invites views from different contributors ranging from policy-makers and authorities to industry and civil society on their work and priorities related to nanomaterials on the EU market.