25. July 2016
In the EU and Switzerland, E-numbers are solely used for labelling purposes on the list of ingredients and are not an indication of any potential hazard. Since EU law allows only harmless (safe) additives to be used in food, every food additive has to be tested and legally approved prior to any products’ application. The decision is based on latest developments in science and technology and therefore constantly under revision. Both, silicon dioxide (SiO2, silica, E551) and iron oxides (E172), are approved for specific applications and are “partly” present as nanoparticles. However, this fraction occurs due to production reasons and is not important for the use as food additive.
Further information :
- European food safety authority (EFSA) : https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/topics/topic/additives
- EU-Portal Food Additives: https://ec.europa.eu/food/food-feed-portal/screen/food-additives/search