InnoMat.Life studied selected innovative materials during their life cycle and assessed material properties, release and exposure as well as potential hazards for humans and the environment. Three innovative material classes were selected: (nano‐)fibres; polydisperse polymer particles for additive manufacturing and materials with complex composition and/ or morphology. InnoMat.Life build on existing knowledge primarily from nanosafety research and tested for instance the applicability/ transferability of existing test methods. To avoid testing each and every material variant individually, InnoMat.Life developed criteria catalogues to describe similarity to establish grouping approaches as an overall project goal. InnoMat.Life therefore delivered important contributions to the risk assessment of the selected innovative materials.
Go to the LinkedIn article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/from-nano-advanced-materials-summary-innomatlife-project-haase/?trackingId=bu600LcKQOyx2vMEbG9aew%3D%3D
A summary of the project results is now available via the InnoMat.Life homepage or the DaNa knowledge base.