


CENIDE, the Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen, represents the appropriate focus of research at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE): Since 2005, it links the research and teaching activities that deal with the nano dimension, in natural science, engineering and in medicine. Partnerships with external members with similar research approaches strengthen the skills spectrum:

Cluster Nanotechnology

Cluster Nanotechnology, to strengthen the interaction between industry and research in Bavaria:

Competence cluster greenBatt

The greenBatt competence cluster is part of the umbrella concept of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for battery research. The cluster’s mission is to develop, design and apply innovative technologies, methods and tools for an energy- and material-efficient battery life cycle and closed material cycles:

Competence cluster ExcellBattMat

In the ExcellBattMat competence cluster, new material concepts for high-energy battery systems of the future are being developed, characterised and tested. With the ExcellentBattery centres in Dresden, Munich, Muenster and Ulm, research-strong locations in Germany have joined forces to work together under the umbrella concept “Research Factory Battery” of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF):

Competence cluster ProZell

The aim of the competence cluster for battery cell production (ProZell) is to research and improve the production process of battery cells, assess its influence on cell properties and product development costs and further develop it for new battery generations:

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