DaNa 2.0 – Data and knowledge on Nanomaterials – Processing of socially relevant scientific facts
Collecting, evaluating and presenting of up-to-date scientific facts in an easy comprehensible way is the main focus of the project DaNa2.0 – the sequel project to DaNa. The interdisciplinary scientific expert team coming from different research areas such as human and environmental toxicology, biology, physics, chemistry and pharmacy will prepare the latest research findings from the field of human and environmental nanotoxicology and present these together with material properties and possible applications for interested laymen, stakeholders and other scientists. These data and together with further facts on nanotechnology are publicly available on the internet platform www.nanoobjects.info and also via other media.
Furthermore the scientific results generated by projects from the BMBF-funding initiatives NanoCare & NanoNature will be integrated into the existing knowledge base. In addition to that other scientific results (publichttp://www.bmbf.de/en/index.phpations, reports, etc.) on the latest news on human and environmental toxicology will be also be analysed to continuously update the content and broaden the scope of our information platform. All data will be evaluated with regard to their scientific value prior to publishing using DaNa’s own “Literature Criteria Checklist“.
Grant Number: BMBF - FKZ 03X0131
Duration: 01.08.2013 - 31.12.2019
Project Lead

Web Coordination

Project Partners








- Krug H.F., Nau K. (2017). Zuverlässigkeit in der Nanosicherheitsforschung. Chem Ing Technik, 89(3): 215-223.
- Kühnel D., Marquardt C., Nau K., Krug H.F., Paul F., Steinbach C. (2017). Environmental benefits and concerns on safety: communicating latest results on nanotechnology safety research—the project DaNa2.0. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 24(12): 11120-11125. (open access)
- Steinbach C., Bohmer N., Krug H.F., Kühnel D., Nau K., Paul F., Reithel S., Marquardt C. (2017). DaNa 2.0 - verlässliche Informationen zur Sicherheit von marktüblichen Nanomaterialien. Chem Ing Technik, 89(3): 232-238.
- Marchese Robinson R.L., Lynch I., Peijnenburg W., Rumble J., Klaessig F., Marquardt C., Rauscher H., Puzyn T., Purian R., Aberg C., Karcher S., Vriens H., Hoet P., Hoover M.D., Hendren C.O., Harper S.L. (2016). How should the completeness and quality of curated nanomaterial data be evaluated? Nanoscale, 8(19): 9919-9943.
- Nau, K. & Krug, H.F. (2016). Sichere Nanomaterialien?! Physik Journal 15 (2016) Nr. 11, pp.29-34.
- Nau K., Bohmer N., Kühnel D., Marquardt C., Paul F., Steinbach C., Krug H.F. (2016). THE DANA2.0 KNOWLEDGE BASE ON NANOMATERIALS – COMMUNICATING CURRENT NANOSAFETY RESEARCH BASED ON EVALUATED LITERATURE DATA. Journal of Materials Education, 38(3-4): 93-108.
- Paul, F. & Nau, K. (2016). Titannitrid: goldglänzend und elektrisch leitfähig, aber steinhart. Hessen Nanotech News 01/2016, Band 51, pp 12-13.
- Krug, H. (2015). Nanotechnologie versus Nanotoxikologie – Wohin geht die Reise? Praxis der Naturwissenschaften – Chemie in der Schule, 64 (4), 11-17. Aulis Verlag, Hallbergmoos.
- Schumacher C., Krug, H.F., Pipke, R. (2015). Governance zur Beurteilung der Gefährdung durch Nanomaterial am Arbeitsplatz - Ein Nachtrag zum 9. Internationalen Nano-Behördendialog 2015. Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 10/2015, 75, 402-405.
- Kühnel D., Marquardt C., Nau K., Krug H.F., Mathes B., Steinbach C. (2014). Environmental impacts of nanomaterials: providing comprehensive information on exposure, transport and ecotoxicity - the project DaNa2.0. Environmental Sciences Europe, 26(1): 21.
- Kühnel D., Böhme S., Stärk H.J. (2014). Technische Nanomaterialien in der Umwelt - Analytischer Nachweis und mögliche Auswirkungen auf Organismen. Analytik News Fachartikel, 03.07.2014, https://analytik.news/fachartikel/2014/34.html
- Krug H.F., P. Wick, C. Hirsch, D. Kuehnel, C. Marquardt, K. Nau, B. Mathes, C. Steinbach (2014): Im Gleichgewicht? Risikoforschung zu Nanomaterialien. ASU Arbeitsmed Sozialmed Umweltmed 49, 1.2014, pp. 06-18.
- Krug H.F. (2014). Nanosafety research - are we on the right track? Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 53(46): 12304-12319.
- Krug H.F. (2014). Nanosicherheitsforschung - sind wir auf dem richtigen Weg? Angew Chem, 126(46): 12502-12518.
- Krug H.F. (2014). Wie viel Nano ist gut für uns – Standpunkte. Helmholtz Perspektiven März – April 2014, S. 23.
- Kimmig, D., C. Marquardt, K. Nau, A. Schmidt, M. Dickerhof (2014). Considerations about the implementation of a public knowledge base regarding nanotechnology. Computational Science & Discovery 7(1): 014001.
- Nowack B., Mueller N.C., Krug H.F., Wick P. (2014). How to consider engineered nanomaterials in major accident regulations? Environ Sci Eur, 26(1): 2.2
- Steinbach C., Mathes, B. (2014). DaNa2.0 – Die Wissensbasis zu synthetischen Nanomaterialien im Internet. nanoTECHNOLOGIE aktuell, Ausgabe 7, Januar 2014, S. 56-59, ISSN 1866-4997.
- Wick P., Louw-Gaume A.E., Kucki M., Krug H.F., Kostarelos K., Fadeel B., Dawson K.A., Salvati A., Vazquez E., Ballerini L., Tretiach M., Benfenati F., Flahaut E., Gauthier L., Prato M., Bianco A. (2014). Classification framework for graphene-based materials.Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 53(30): 7714-7718.
- Wick P., Louw-Gaume A.E., Kucki M., Krug H.F., Kostarelos K., Fadeel B., Dawson K.A., Salvati A., Vázquez E., Ballerini L., Tretiach M., Benfenati F., Flahaut E., Gauthier L., Prato M., Bianco A. (2014). Rahmenbedingungen für die Klassifizierung graphenbasierter Materialien. Angew Chem, 126(30): 7846-7850.
- Som, C., B. Nowack, H. F. Krug, P. Wick (2013). Toward the development of decision supporting tools that can be used for safe production and use of nanomaterials. Acc Chem Res 46(3): 863-872.
- Nau K., N. Bohmer, H.F. Krug, D. Kuehnel, C. Marquardt, F. Paul, C. Steinbach (2017). Informing the Public on Safety Aspects of Nanomaterials - DaNa2.0. EuroNanoForum 2017, 21-23 Juni 2017, Valletta, Malta. [Poster]
- Kühnel D., Reithel S., Nau K., N. Bohmer, H.F. Krug, C. Marquardt, F. Paul, C. Steinbach (2017). Supporting the environmental risk assessment of nanomaterials with quality-approved information - the DaNa Literature Criteria Checklist. SETAC Europe 2017, 27th Annual Meeting "Environmental Quality Through Transdisciplinary Collaboration7–11 Mai 2017, Brüssel, Belgien. [Poster]
- Krug H.F., N. Bohmer, C. Marquardt, K. Nau, D. Kuehnel, S. Reithel, F. Paul, C. Steinbach (2017). DaNa2.0–Knowledge Base Nanomaterials: Quality-approved and reliable information on synthetically engineered nanomaterials. Colombia-U.S. Workshop Nanotechnology, Characterisation, Metrology, Manufacturing & Safety, 14. Feb 2017, Bogota, Kolumbien. [Poster]
- Marquardt C., N. Bohmer, H.F. Krug, D. Kuehnel, F. Paul, C. Steinbach, K. Nau (2016). Supporting risk assessment of nanomaterials with quality-approved information - DaNa Literature Criteria Checklist. NanoSafe Conference 2016, 07-10 Nov 2016, Grenoble, Frankreich. [Vortrag]
- Marquardt C., N. Bohmer, H.F. Krug, D. Kuehnel, F. Paul, C. Steinbach, K. Nau (2016). Supporting risk assessment of nanomaterials with quality-approved information - DaNa Literature Criteria Checklist. 8th Nanotoxicology Conference, 01-04 Juni 2016, Boston MA, USA. [Poster]
- Nau K., N. Bohmer, H.F. Krug, D. Kuehnel, C. Marquardt, F. Paul, C. Steinbach (2016). Nano inside and outside – informing the public on safety aspects of nanomaterials - from experts to laypersons. 8th Nanotoxicology Conference, 01-04 Juni 2016, Boston MA, USA. [Poster]
- Marquardt C., H.F. Krug, D. Kuehnel, F. Paul, C. Steinbach, K. Nau (2016). The DaNa2.0 Knowledge Base Nanomaterials – quality-approved and easy-to-understand information on current nanosafety research. 82. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für experimentelle und klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (DGPT), 29.02 – 03.03. 2016, Berlin, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Marquardt, C. (2015). What's Nano got to do with it? The importance of material characterization for nanosafety. NanoVision Fall 2015, 17.-18. Nov 2015, Erlangen. Session: Characterization II. [Vortrag]
- Kuehnel D., Katja Nau, Clarissa Marquardt, H.F. Krug, F. Paul, C. Steinbach (2015). Providing comprehensive information on environmental impacts of nanomaterials – The DaNa2.0 Knowledge Base Nanomaterials. ICCE 2015 - 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, 20 - 24 September 2015, Leipzig. [Poster]
- Kuehnel D., Katja Nau, Clarissa Marquardt, H.F. Krug, F. Paul, C. Steinbach (2015). Providing comprehensive information on environmental impacts of nanomaterials – The DaNa2.0 Knowledge Base Nanomaterials. 10th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials ICEENN 2015, September 6 - 10, 2015, Wien, Österreich. [Vortrag]
- Krug HF, Kuehnel D., Marquardt C., Nau K., Paul F., Steinbach C. (2015). DaNa2.0 Knowledge Base Nanomaterials. ICMAT 2015, International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, 28. Juni - 03. Juli 2015, Singapur. [Vortrag]
- Marquardt C., Krug HF, Kuehnel D., Paul F., Steinbach C., Nau K. (2015). The DaNa2.0 Knowledge Base Nanomaterials – quality-approved and easy-to-understand information on current nanosafety research. Nanotech France 2015 International Conference & Exhibition, 15.-17. Juni 2015, Paris, Frankreich. [Vortrag]
- Marquardt C., Duschl A., Krug HF, Kuehnel D., Paul F., Steinbach C., Nau K. (2015). The DaNa2.0 Knowledge Base Nanomaterials – quality-approved and easy-to-understand in-formation on current nanosafety research. EuroNanoForum 2015, 10.-12. Juni 2015, Riga, Lettland. [Poster]
- Marquardt C. (2014). Potenziale der Nanotechnologie optimal nutzen. Zukunftsforum Nanotechnologie der FAZ, 11.12.2014, Frankfurt, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Marquardt C., H. F. Krug, D. Kuehnel, B. Mathes, C. Steinbach, K. Nau (2014). The DaNa2.0 Knowledge Base Nanomaterials – Communicating Current Nanosafety Research. NanoSafe 2014, 18-20.11.2014, Grenoble, Frankreich. [Poster]
- Marquardt C., H. F. Krug, D. Kuehnel, B. Mathes, C. Steinbach, K. Nau (2014). The DaNa2.0 Knowledge Base Nanomaterials – Communicating Current Nanosafety Research. NanoBioEurope 2014, 2-4 Juni 2014, Münster, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Kühnel D., Nau K., Marquardt C., Krug HF, Mathes B, Steinbach C. (2014). The DaNa Knowledge Base Nanomaterials - Latest research results on the effects of nanomaterials on humans and the environment. SETAC Europe 2014, 11.-15.05.2014, Basel, Schweiz. [Poster]
- Marquardt C., Krug HF., Kuehnel D., Mathes B., Nau K., Steinbach C. (2014). The DaNa2.0 Knowledge Base Nanomaterials - Nanosafety Research for Everyone. NanoTox 2014 Conference, 23.-26.04.2014, Antalya, Tuerkei [Poster]
- Marquardt C., Krug HF., Kuehnel D., Mathes B., Steinbach C., Nau K. (2013). The DaNa2.0 Knowledge Base Nanomaterials– Latest research results on the effects of nanomaterials on humans and the environment. Nanosafety Conference 2013, 20-22. November 2013, Saarbruecken, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Krug, Harald F., P. Wick, A. Louw ‐ Gaume, D. Kuehnel, B. Mathes, C. Marquardt, K. Nau, C. Steinbach (2013). DaNa2.0 ‐ Knowledge Base Nanomaterials. 18. Jahrestagung SETAC GLB 2013, 23.-26. September 2013, Duisburg, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Krug, Harald F., P. Wick, A. Louw ‐ Gaume, D. Kuehnel, B. Mathes, C. Marquardt, K. Nau, C. Steinbach (2013). DaNa2.0 - Knowledge Base Nanomaterials [Japanische Version]. 6th International Symposium Nanotechnology, 28.-31. September, Nagoya, Japan. [Poster]
- Neue DaNa2.0 Website zur Information über Nanomaterialien – jetzt auch mobil. Dechema Pressemitteilungen, 31.03.2014 (dechema.de, 2014)
- Wie riskant sind Nanopartikel? Online-Plattform gibt Antworten. Dechema Pressemitteilungen, 18.09.2013 (dechema.de, 2013)