DENANA – Design criteria for sustainable nanomaterials
One of the major objectives of DENANA was to derive design criteria and to test the usability of data generated in the project for hazard and risk assessment of nanomaterials. The nanomaterials silicon dioxide, (SiO2), cerium dioxide (CeO2) and silver (Ag) were chosen due to their market relevance as they are added, among other things, to lubricants, catalytic convertors, medical products and abrasives and a potential environmental exposure of these nanomaterials. In order to differentiate between the potential of certain nanomaterial properties to influence a specific environmental behaviour or an environmental effect and thus to function as possible design criteria, variations of these nanomaterials were prepared and tested in different behavioural and effect investigations.
Europium- and Palladium-doped CeO2-NMs and functionalized SiO2-NMs were prepared in the frame of the DENANA project and extensively studied for their toxic potential in water and soil. Goal of the developmental work on the SiO2-NM was to optimise lubricants. In addition to the ecotoxicological effects of nanomaterials, questions on the behaviour of nanomaterials in soils and sediments, especially mobility and transport, were considered.
Only very limited statements on the relevance of the tested differences in the physico-chemical properties of the nanomaterials with regard to the ecotoxicological effects can be made since no clear effects or clear differences of effects and behaviour between the various nanomaterials occurred. Therefore, it is hard to assess the relevance of the individual physicochemical properties as design criteria for environmentally sound nanotechnology applications. Based on the data generated in DENANA, however, qualitative statements on the suitability of the various physicochemical properties as relevant design criteria for applications using the three nanomaterials are possible. The following relevant parameters were identified: core material, ion toxicity, solubility and zeta potential. The suitability of primary particle size and ROS formation potential as design criteria for nanomaterials cannot be determined based on the DENANA data. In addition, the agglomeration behaviour under environmental conditions should be considered for the respective application scenarios.
Furthermore, the ecotoxicological behaviour of the nanomaterials affected other properties, which are critical for an environment-friendly, harmless design. Throughout the investigation period of 3 years, the Ag-NM continuously caused negative effects in the investigated soil microorganisms (ammonium-oxidizing microorganisms with substrate-induced respiration) under field conditions, which could not be reversed by sulphidation of the Ag-NM. For sewage sludge applications it is therefore necessary to assume an accumulation of the respective substance and, in the case of silver, a significant increase in the toxicity to the soil microorganisms. This impairment can also be demonstrated in advance in short-term laboratory tests, which can thus serve as early warning indicators for toxic, soluble nanomaterials such as Ag-NM.
Aquatic test systems showed the crucial importance of chronic test systems (algae growth, daphnia reproduction) in the investigation of nanomaterials. An important finding is that the aquatic toxicity observed in chronic tests is caused by agglomeration of the nanomaterials, which causes mechanical / physical effects such as clouding or attachment to the test species, but also malnutrition. An uptake of nanomaterials into plant roots could be demonstrated for Ag-NM and CeO2-NM.
Work on the behaviour of nanomaterials in soil showed that different stabilisation mechanisms of Ag-NM and soil properties lead to variations in the nanomaterials’ mobility in environmental media. Furthermore, the results showed that formulations and dispersion aids can also influence the toxicity of the nanomaterials or, in the case of non-toxic SiO2-NMs, even cause it.
Grant Number: BMBF - FKZ 03X0152
Duration: 01.10.2014 - 30.09.2017 (extended to 31.12.2017)
Project Lead

Project Partners


Associated Partners

- Bundschuh M., Filser J., Luderwald S., Mckee M.S., Metreveli G., Schaumann G.E., Schulz R., Wagner S. (2018). Nanoparticles in the environment: where do we come from, where do we go to? Environ Sci Eur, 30(1): 6.
- Giese B., Klaessig F., Park B., Kaegi R., Steinfeldt M., Wigger H., Von Gleich A., Gottschalk F. (2018). Risks, Release and Concentrations of Engineered Nanomaterial in the Environment. Sci Rep, 8(1): 1565.
- Giese B., Gottschalk F. (2018). Volumes and Life Cycle of CeO2, SiO2 and Ag Nanomaterials - Knowns and Unknowns. [Scientific Stakeholder Meeting on Nanomaterials in the Environment, Dessau, Germany, Oct. 10-11, 2017] In: Umweltbundesamt, DOKUMENTATIONEN 01/2018; ISBN: 2199-6571
- Gottschalk F.; Giese B. (2018). Environmental release modelling in contexts of high uncertainty for engineered nano-CeO2, -SiO2 and –Ag in Germany. [Scientific Stakeholder Meeting on Nanomaterials in the Environment, Dessau, Germany, Oct. 10-11, 2017] In: Umweltbundesamt, DOKUMENTATIONEN 01/2018; ISBN: 2199-6571
- Teubl B.J., Stojkovic B., Docter D., Pritz E., Leitinger G., Poberaj I., Prassl R., Stauber R.H., Frohlich E., Khinast J.G., Roblegg E. (2018). The effect of saliva on the fate of nanoparticles. Clin Oral Investig, 22(2): 929-940.
- Westmeier D., Posselt G., Hahlbrock A., Bartfeld S., Vallet C., Abfalter C., Docter D., Knauer S.K., Wessler S., Stauber R.H. (2018). Nanoparticle binding attenuates the pathobiology of gastric cancer-associated Helicobacter pylori. Nanoscale, 10(3): 1453-1463.
- Holm R., Weber B., Heller P., Klinker K., Westmeier D., Docter D., Stauber R.H., Barz M. (2017). Synthesis and Characterization of Stimuli-Responsive Star-Like Polypept(o)ides: Introducing Biodegradable PeptoStars. Macromol Biosci, 17(6): 1600514.
- Köser J., Engelke M., Hoppe M., Nogowski A., Filser J., Thöming J. (2017). Predictability of silver nanoparticle speciation and toxicity in ecotoxicological media. Environmental Science: Nano, 4(7): 1470-1483.
- Laffleur F., Netsomboon K., Bernkop-Schnürch A., Westmeier D., Stauber R.H., Docter D. (2017). Comprehensive mucoadhesive study of anionic polymers and their derivate. European Polymer Journal, 93 314-322.
- McKee M.S., Engelke M., Zhang X., Lesnikov E., Köser J., Eickhorst T., Filser J. (2017). Collembola Reproduction Decreases with Aging of Silver Nanoparticles in a Sewage Sludge-Treated Soil. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 5
- Neu S., Schaller J., Dudel E.G. (2017). Silicon availability modifies nutrient use efficiency and content, C:N:P stoichiometry, and productivity of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Sci Rep, 7 40829.
- Schlich K., Hoppe M., Kraas M., Fries E., Hund-Rinke K. (2017). Ecotoxicity and fate of a silver nanomaterial in an outdoor lysimeter study. Ecotoxicology, 26(6): 738-751.
- Westmeier D., Knauer S.K., Stauber R.H., Docter D. (2017)."Bio–Nano Interactions", in Adverse Effects of Engineered Nanomaterials: Exposure, Toxicology, and Impact on Human Health - Second Edition., Pietroiusti and Shvedova, Eds., ed: Academic Press, pp. 1-12. ISBN:9780128091999
- Eslahian K.A., Lang T., Bantz C., Keller R., Sperling R., Docter D., Stauber R., Maskos M. (2016)."Characterization of Nanoparticles Under Physiological Conditions", in Measuring Biological Impacts of Nanomaterials, Wegener, Ed., ed Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-29. ISBN:978-3-319-24823-3
- Feliu N., Docter D., Heine M., Del Pino P., Ashraf S., Kolosnjaj-Tabi J., Macchiarini P., Nielsen P., Alloyeau D., Gazeau F., Stauber R.H., Parak W.J. (2016). In vivo degeneration and the fate of inorganic nanoparticles. Chem Soc Rev, 45(9): 2440-2457.
- Gao Z., Ma T., Zhao E., Docter D., Yang W., Stauber R.H., Gao M. (2016). Small is Smarter: Nano MRI Contrast Agents - Advantages and Recent Achievements. Small, 12(5): 556-576.
- Hoppe M., Mikutta R., Kaufhold S., Utermann J., Duijnisveld W., Wargenau E., Fries E., Guggenberger G. (2016). Retention of sterically and electrosterically stabilized silver nanoparticles by soil minerals. European Journal of Soil Science, 67(5): 573-582.
- Koshkina O., Westmeier D., Lang T., Bantz C., Hahlbrock A., Wurth C., Resch-Genger U., Braun U., Thiermann R., Weise C., Eravci M., Mohr B., Schlaad H., Stauber R.H., Docter D., Bertin A., Maskos M. (2016). Tuning the Surface of Nanoparticles: Impact of Poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) on Protein Adsorption in Serum and Cellular Uptake. Macromol Biosci, 16(9): 1287-1300.
- McKee M.S., Filser J. (2016). Impacts of metal-based engineered nanomaterials on soil communities.Environ Sci-Nano, 3(3): 506-533.
- Hartemann P., Hoet P., Proykova A., Fernandes T., Baun A., De Jong W., Filser J., Hensten A., Kneuer C., Maillard J.Y., Norppa H., Scheringer M., Wijnhoven S. (2015). Nanosilver: Safety, health and environmental effects and role in antimicrobial resistance. Materials Today, 18(3): 122-123.
- Hoppe M., Mikutta R., Utermann J., Duijnisveld W., Kaufhold S., Stange C.F., Guggenberger G. (2015). Remobilization of sterically stabilized silver nanoparticles from farmland soils determined by column leaching. European Journal of Soil Science, 66(5): 898-909.
- Wigger H., Hackmann S., Zimmermann T., Koser J., Thoming J., Von Gleich A. (2015). Influences of use activities and waste management on environmental releases of engineered nanomaterials.Sci Total Environ, 535 160-171.
- Docter D., Westmeier D., Markiewicz M., Stolte S., Knauer S.K., Stauber R.H. (2015). The nanoparticle biomolecule corona: lessons learned - challenge accepted? Chem Soc Rev, 44(17): 6094-6121.
- Universität Bremen, Zentrum für Umweltforschung und nachhaltige Technologie (UFT) (2018). DENANA - Verbundprojekt: "Designkriterien für nachhaltige Nanomaterialien" : Abschlussbericht der ausführenden Stelle mit Partnerkürzeln: 1. ÖKO, Allgemeine und theoretische Ökologie, FB2; 2. VdW, Verfahrenstechnik der Wertstoffrückgewinnung, FB4; 3. TGT, Technikgestaltung und Technologieentwicklung, FB4 : Laufzeit: 01.10.2014 bis 31.12.2017. FKZ 03X0152A, TIB Hannover. (DOI)
- Fraunhofer Institut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Ökologie (IME) (2018). Verbundprojekt "Designkriterien für nachhaltige Nanomaterialien - DENANA" : Aspekt: Untersuchungen zur ökotoxikologischen Wirkung von Ag-, CeO2- und SiO2-Nanomaterialien unter umweltrelevanten Bedingungen : Abschlussbericht. 03X0152B, TIB Hannover. (DOI)
- Umweltbundesamt (UBA) (2018). DENANA - Designkriterien für nachhaltige Nanomaterialien : Schlussbericht DENANA : Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01. Oktober 2014 bis 31. Dezember 2017. 03X0152C, TIB Hannover.
- Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) (2018). Untersuchungen zum Verbleib von Silber-Nanopartikeln und Cerdioxid-Nanomaterialien in Böden : Teilprojekt des BMBF-Verbundvorhabens "Designkriterien für nachhaltige Nanomaterialien - DENANA" : Endbericht : Bearbeitungszeitraum: 01.11.2014-30.09.2017. FKZ 03X0152D. TIB Hannover. (DOI)
- Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik e. V. (IUTA) (2018). DENANA - Designkriterien für Nachhaltige Nanomaterialien : Abschlussbericht des vom BMBF geförderten Partner. FKZ 03X0152F, TIB Hannover. (DOI)
- Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (JGU), Molekulare und Zelluläre Onkologie, Universitätsmedizin Mainz (2018). Verbundprojekt zum Thema: "Sicher Umgang mit synthetischen Nanomaterialien - Werkstoffinnovation für Industrie und Gesellschaft - WING" : BMBF-Ausschreibung: "NanoCare" : Titel des Vorhabens: Designkriterien für nachhaltige Nanomaterialien : Kennwort DENANA : Abschlussbericht$dUniversitätsmedizin Mainz [Zuwendungsempfänger] ; Projektpartner: DENANA UMZ - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland H. Stauber (UMZ), Molekulare und Zelluläre Onkologie, Universitätsmedizin Mainz ; Projektleiter: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland H. Stauber. 03X0152H. TIB Hannover. (DOI)
- Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien – IWT (2018). DENANA : Designkriterien für nachhaltige Nanomaterialien : BMBF-Verbundprojekt-DENANA : Abschlussbericht IWT : Laufzeit: 01.10.2014 bis 30.09.2017. FKZ 03X0152I. TIB Hannover. (DOI)
- Klüber Lubrication München SE & Co. KG (2018). Verbundprojekt Designkriterien für nachhaltige Nanomaterialien - DENANA - Teilprojekt: Entwicklung von ölstabilen Nanomaterialien für Schmierstoffe : Abschlussbericht : Projektlaufzeit: 01.10.2014 bis 30.09.2017. 03X0152J. TIB Hannover. (DOI)
- TU Dresden
- Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR)
- Steinfeldt M., Giese B., Gottschalk F. (November 2017). Modeled Engineered Nanomaterial (CeO2, SiO2, Ag) Releases and Concentrations in Germany. SNO 2017, Los Angeles, USA. [Vortrag]
- Gottschalk F., Giese B., Steinfeldt M. (Oktober 2017). Environmental release modelling in contexts of high uncertainty for engineered nano-CeO2, -SiO2 and -Ag in Germany. Leibniz Research Alliance NanoSafety 2017, Saarbrücken, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Gottschalk F., Giese B., Steinfeldt M. (Oktober 2017). (Key Note Talk): Environmental release modelling in contexts of high uncertainty for engineered nano-CeO2, -SiO2 and -Ag in Germany. Scientific Stakeholder Meeting on Nanomaterials in the Environment, Dessau, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Giese B., Gottschalk F. (Oktober 2017). Volumes and Life Cycle of CeO2, SiO2 and Ag Nanomaterials – Knowns and Unknowns. Scientific Stakeholder Meeting on Nanomaterials in the Environment, Dessau, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Giese B. (September 2017). Einsatz von nanopartikulärem CeO2 und SiO2 im Automobil – Modellierung von eingesetzten Mengen und Expositionsabschätzung (Diesel-Additive, Abgaskatalysatoren, Reifen). BMUB, Ministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit, FachDialog Chancen und Risiken der Anwendung von Nanotechnologien im Automobilsektor , Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Hoppe M., Pokhrel S., Köser J., Utermann J., Fries E., Rückamp D., Mädler L., Guggenberger G. (September 2017). Mobilität von Cerdioxid-Nanomaterialien in Böden. DBG Tagung, Göttingen, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Stange C.F., Hoppe M., Königer P., Lamparter A. (September 2017). Transport von Silbernanopartikeln in natürlich gelagerten Bodensäulen. DBG Tagung, Göttingen, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Engelke M. (Mai 2017). Designkriterien für nachhaltige Nanopartikel. Nanocare Clustermeeting, KIT Karlsruhe, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Engelke M. (Mai 2017). Presentation of the DENANA project. Nanotechnology interest group; SETAC, Brüssel, Belgien. [Vortrag]
- Engelke M., Filser J. (Mai 2017). Ökotoxikologische (Langzeit-)Effekte SiO2- und CeO2-basierter Nanomaterialien. Nanocare Clustermeeting, KIT Karlsruhe, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Bemowsky S., Köser J., Gräf T., Markiewicz M., Stolte S. (Mai 2017). Environmental corona of metal oxide nanoparticles. SETAC, Brüssel, Belgien. [Poster]
- Engelke M., McKee M., Lesnikov E., Zhang X., Filser J. (Mai 2017). Effects of Ag NM-300K on Folsomia candida (Collembola) in different standard soils and in long-term aged sludge-treated soils. SETAC, Brüssel, Belgien. [Poster]
- Hellack B., Nickel C., Hülser T. (2017). Oxidative Potential of nanomaterials in the eluate of unsaturated quartz sand and natural soils. SETAC, Brüssel, Belgien. [Poster]
- Köser J., Engelke M., Hoppe M., Nogowski A., Filser J., J. Thöming J. (Mai 2017). Predictability of Silver Nanoparticle Speciation and Toxicity in Ecotoxicological Media. SETAC, Brüssel, Belgien. [Poster]
- Lukas M., Köser J., Kussatz C. (Mai 2017). Short and long term studies to ecotoxicological impacts of engineered nanoparticles in aquatic model systems. SETAC, Brüssel, Belgien. [Vortrag]
- Giese B. (März 2017). CeO2 Nanopartikel (als Treibstoffadditiv) - eine Expositionsmodellierung. UBA, Umweltbundesamt, Fachgespräch Wirkungsfragen. Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Dippon U., Pabst S., Klitzke S. (12.3.-17.3.2017). Effect of natural organic matter and synthetic polymers on CeO2-nanoparticle colloidal stability and their transport in saturated porous media. NanoImpact Conference, Monte Veritá, Schweiz. [Vortrag]
- Gottschalk, F. (2017). Modelling of releases of nanoparticles into the environment. ETH Zürich, 65th LCA Discussion Forum on Life Cycle Assessment (invited speaker). Zürich, Schweiz (DENANA hauptsächlich). [Vortrag]
- Hülser T., Spree M., (2017). Synthesis of Pure and Doped Ceria in a Spray Flame Reactor on the Pilot Plant Scale . Gas-phase Synthesis of Functional Nanomaterials: Fundamental Understanding, Modeling and Simulation. Scale-up, Duisburg, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Hellack B., Nickel C., Hülser T. (2017). Oxidative Potential of nanomaterials in the eluate of unsaturated quartz sand and natural soils. nanoEH, Helsingør, Dänemark. [Poster]
- Schnurre S., Spree M., Hellack B., Hülser T. (2017). Synthesis of pure and doped ceria nanomaterials on the pilot plant scale. European Aerosol Conference, Zürich, Schweiz. [Poster]
- Filser J. (2016). The Pros and Cons of ENP regulation and Ways towards a sustainable production and Use. Good Nano - Bad Nano: Who Decides? Dez 2016, Wien, Österreich. [Vortrag]
- Lukas M. (Dezember 2016). Ökotoxikologische Effekte funktionalisierter Nanopartikel. Fachbereich IV-Seminar, UBA, Dessau, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Dippon U., Pabst S., Klitzke S. (November 2016). Influence of natural organic matter and synthetic polymers on CeO2-nanoparticle colloidal stability and their transport through sand filter columns. Geoökologisches Kolloquium, Technische Universität Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Dippon U., Pabst S., Klitzke S. (19.10.-21.10.2016). Influence of natural organic matter and synthetic polymers on CeO2-nanoparticle colloidal stability and their transport through sand filter columns. International Workshop on Engineered Nanoparticles in Environmental Systems: Fate, Transport, Effects and Analytics, Landau, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Filser J. (2016). Interactions Ignored: The Pitfalls of Risk Assessment in Soils. EcoSummit, Aug 2016, Montpellier, Frankreich. [Vortrag]
- Engelke M., Filser J., Kraas M., Schlich K., Hund-Rinke K. (Mai 2016). Ökotoxikologische Wirkung verschiedener SiO2 und CeO2 Nanopartikel auf Bodenorganismen. NanoCare Clustermeeting, Frankfurt, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Lukas M. (Mai 2016). Ecotoxicological impacts of engineered nanoparticles in aquatic model systems. SETAC, Nantes, Frankreich. [Poster]
- Dippon U., Pabst S., Klitzke S. (2016). Colloidal stability of CeO2 nanoparticles coated with either natural organic matter or organic polymers under various hydrochemical conditions. EGU General Assembly, Wien, Österreich. [Poster]
- Lukas M. (November 2015). Toxizität von Nanopartikeln in Wasser – Vorstellung des BMBF-Projekts DENANA. Marienfelder Kolloquium, UBA, Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Filser J. (2015). Effects of ENM on Soil Communities. ICEENN 2015, Sept 2015, Wien, Österreich. [Vortrag]
- Filser J. (2015). Nanomaterials: Good News or Bad News for Soils? Universität Wageningen, Aug 2015, Wageningen, Niederlande. [Vortrag]
- Gottschalk F. (2015). South African Statistical Association (SASA) 2015 conference (invited speaker). University of Pretoria, Pretoria, Südafrika (auch DENANA) . [Vortrag]
- Gottschalk F. (Februar 2015). Nano meets water VI (invited speaker), Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT, Oberhausen, Deutschland (DENANA hauptsächlich) . [Vortrag]
- „Neues Verbundprojekt zu Nanomaterialien", Pressemeldung zum Start des DENANA-Projektes von Chemie.de, 14.11.2014 (chemie.de 2014)