NANOGECO – Nanoparticle generation by atomization processes in spray coating
The joint transnational research project NanoGECO will investigate in detail the generation of nanoparticles by atomization processes in spray coatings. Different paint materials both with and without manufactured nanomaterials, such as organic and inorganic pigments as well as spray guns and industrial spray cans will be used. After careful sampling of the non-volatile fraction of paint aerosols, a set of different experimental studies will be performed to characterize both non-volatile fraction as wells as the chemical substances in the paint aerosol. For this, different aerosol measuring techniques are going to be used to determine particle size distribution and particle concentration in the paint overspray for nano and sub-micron sized particles. Numerical simulations of droplet evaporation and trajectory will improve the characterization of the paint aerosol. Toxicological studies using a whole body exposure model will be carried out to evaluate the potential risk of human exposure.
Projekt-Webseite: www.nanogeco.eu/
Grant Number: ERA-Net SIINN
Duration: 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2017