NanoMED – Toxicological characterisation of nanomaterials for the diagnostic imaging in medicine
The main task of the project NanoMed was to determine the internal exposure of novel (magnetic) nanoparticles which were specifically designed to have excellent imaging properties for a later usage in medical imaging procedures like computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Particular attention was also paid to the nanoparticles’ behaviour at the blood-placenta barrier (BPB) and the blood-brain barrier (BBB) for in vitro and in vivo exposure scenarios. Since regulatory standards for the toxicity testing of nanoparticles were missing in general, all applied model test systems were systematically validated for a broad and standardised application.
The work plan included the following endpoints:
- systematic determination of nanoparticle characteristics
- development of a set of reference particles
- interactions of nanoparticles with the blood-placenta barrier (BPB) and the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in in vitro und in vivo experiments
- establishment of structure-activity relationships & dose-response relationships
- risk analysis of nanoparticles
- correlation of in vitro– and in vivo-tests
- validation of model test systems
- development of standard operation procedures (SOP)
- development of a data base to collect and manage the results achieved
The project generated a collection of nanoparticles that were based on iron, gold and silver cores and then coated with various shell materials. Next those generated nanoparticles were identified that were suitable for biological applications due to their physical, chemical and imaging properties. With the help of these specifically designed and selected nanoparticles the NanoMed project was able to establish a quality-controlled test system to evaluate the toxicological properties of the nanoparticles, standard operation procedures (SOPs) were being prepared and reference particles selected. Based on these findings biologically relevant barriers were confronted in vitro and in vivo with the selected nanoparticles and the nanoparticle-tissue effects were measured with physical, chemical and immunohistochemical methods. The project NanoMed clearly demonstrated that the observed toxic effects from in vitro tests correlated well with those obtained during in vivo experiments making these predictable for some specifications. These results will lead to a substantial progress in developing nanoparticles specifically optimised for application in medical imaging. The comprehensive data collection of nanoparticles and their properties are organised and stored within a project data base and the main findings will be transferred in the Knowledge Base Nanomaterials – DaNa.
Grant Number: BMBF - FKZ 03X0104
Duration: 01.09.2010 - 31.08.2013
Project Lead
Project Partners
- Schlenk F., Werner S., Rabel M., Jacobs F., Bergemann C., Clement J.H., Fischer D. (2017). Comprehensive analysis of the in vitro and ex ovo hemocompatibility of surface engineered iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Arch Toxicol,
- Theumer A., Grafe C., Bahring F., Bergemann C., Hochhaus A., Clement J.H. (2015). Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles exert different cytotoxic effects on cells grown in monolayer cell culture versus as multicellular spheroids. J Magn Magn Mater, 380 27-33.
- Müller R., Stranik O., Schlenk F., Werner S., Malsch D., Fischer D., Fritzsche W. (2014). Optical detection of nanoparticle agglomeration in a living system under the influence of a magnetic field. J Magn Magn Mater,(0).Müller R., Gläser M., Göhner C., Seyfarth L., Schleussner E., Hofmann A., Fritzsche W. (2014). In situ measurements of magnetic nanoparticles after placenta perfusion. J Magn Magn Mater,(0).Fischer D, Hilger I. (2014). Nanopartikel: Innovative Anwendungsgebiete in der Diagnostik und vor allem in der Therapie. Deutsche Apothekerzeitung, DAZ 13, 27.03.2014.
- Schlenk, F., S. Grund, D. Fischer (2013). Recent developments and perspectives on gene therapy using synthetic vectors. Ther Deliv 4(1): 95-113.
- Wotschadlo, J., T. Liebert, J. H. Clement, N. Anspach, S. Hoppener, T. Rudolph, R. Mueller, F. H. Schacher, U. S. Schubert, T. Heinze (2013). Biocompatible multishell architecture for iron oxide nanoparticles. Macromol Biosci 13(1): 93-105.
- Baehring, F., F. Schlenk, J. Wotschadlo, N. Buske, T. Liebert, C. Bergemann, T. Heinze, A. Hochhaus, D. Fischer, J. H. Clement (2013). Suitability of Viability Assays for Testing Biological Effects of Coated Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 49(1): 383-388.
- Buettner, M., M. Schiffler, P. Weber, P. Seidel (2013). Simulation of energy barrier distributions using real particle parameters and comparison with experimental obtained results. J Magn Magn Mater 345(0): 230-235.
- Tenzer, S., D. Docter, J. Kuharev, A. Musyanovych, V. Fetz, R. Hecht, F. Schlenk, D. Fischer, K. Kiouptsi, C. Reinhardt, K. Landfester, H. Schild, M. Maskos, S. K. Knauer, R. H. Stauber (2013). Rapid formation of plasma protein corona critically affects nanoparticle pathophysiology. Nature Nanotechnol 8(10): 772-781.
- Nikolajski, M., J. Wotschadlo, J. H. Clement, T. Heinze (2012). Amino-functionalized cellulose nanoparticles: preparation, characterization, and interactions with living cells. Macromol Biosci 12(7): 920-925.
- Buettner, M., F. Schmidl, M. Schiffler, P. Seidel (2011). Magnetorelaxation (MRX) Measurements With DC-SQUID Gradiometers. IEEE Trans Appl Supercon 21(3): 473-476.
- Wotschadlo, J., B. Mueller, J. Kuehn, M. Nikolajski, K. Pachmann, N. Buske, R. Mueller, T. Liebert, M. Schnabelrauch, T. Heinze, A. Hochhaus, J. H. Clement (2010). Short‐Term Application of Magnetic Core‐Shell Nanoparticles—Effect on Immune Cells. AIP Conference Proceedings 1311(1): 431-437.
- Schlenk F., S. Werner, F. Bähring, C. Bergemann, J.H. Clement, D. Fischer (2014). Biocompatibility Testing of Intravenously Applied Iron Oxide Contrast Agents in vitro and ex ovo. 10th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, 10.-14.6.2014, Dresden, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Gräfe C., F. Bähring, C. Bergemann, F. Schlenk, D. Fischer, A. Hochhaus, J.H. Clement (2014). Cationic Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Affect the Survival-associated AKT-FOXO3 Axis. 10th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, 10.-14.6.2014, Dresden, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Müller R., O. Stranik, F. Schlenk, S. Werner, D. Malsch, D. Fischer, W. Fritzsche (2014). Optical Detection of Nanoparticles in a Living System under the Influence of a Magnetic Field. 10th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, 10.-14.6.2014, Dresden, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Müller R., M. Gläser, C. Göhner, L. Seyfarth, E. Schleussner, A. Hofmann, W. Fritzsche (2014). Detection of magnetic nanoparticles after perfusion of a placenta. 10th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, 10.-14.6.2014, Dresden, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Schlenk F, Werner S, Baehring F, Bergemann C, Clement J, Fischer D. (2014). Interactions of iron oxide contrast agents with blood components in vitro and in vivo. 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Maerz 31st –April 3rd 2014, Lissabon, Portugal. [Poster]
- Fischer D. (2014). Toxicological characterization and risk analysis of nanomaterials for diagnostic imaging in medicine. 14. Ferrofluid-Workshop, Maerz 17th – 19th, Ilmenau, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Graefe C, Baehring F, Bergemann C, Schlenk F, Fischer D, Hochhaus A, Clement JH. (2014). The influence of polymer-coated superparamagnetic nanoparticles on the survival-associated Akt signalling pathway in human blood-brain barrier-forming cell. 14. Ferrofluid-Workshop, Maerz 17th – 19th, Ilmenau, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Mueller R, Stranik O, Schlenk F, Werner S, Malsch D, Fischer D, Fritzsche W. (2014). Optical detection of nanoparticle aggregation in a living system under the influence of a magnetic field. 14. Ferrofluid-Workshop, Maerz 17th – 19th, Ilmenau Deutschland. [Poster]
- Theumer A, Graefe C, Baehring F, Bergemann C, Hochhaus A, Clement JH (2014). The effects of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles on three-dimensional cell culture systems. 14. Ferrofluid-Workshop, Maerz 17th – 19th, Ilmenau Deutschland. [Poster]
- Goehner C, Seyfarth L, Enke U, Braeuer R, Schleußner E. (2013). Untersuchung der Auswirkungen ausgewaehlter Nanopartikel auf die Plazenta im Rahmen des NanoMed-Projektes. 26. Deutschen Kongress fuer Perinatale Medizin, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer perinatale Medizin, ICC Berlin, 05.-07. Dezember 2013, Berlin, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Fischer D. (2013).Toxikologische Charakterisierung und Risikoanalyse von Nanomaterialien in der Medizin – NanoMed. Fachdialog Nanomedizin, Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, 12.-13. November 2013, Berlin, Deutschland [Vortrag]
- Domey J, Bergemann C, Bremer-Streck S, Krumbein I, Reichenbach JR, Kaiser WA, Hilger I. (2013). Mononuclear cell tracking during inflammation with bimodal NIRF-nanoparticles as an optical and MRI contrast agent. Molekulare Bildgebung, 28.-30.10.2013, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Gey C, Baehring F, Bergemann C, Schlenk F, Fischer D, Hochhaus A, Clement JH. (2013).The influence of superparamagnetic nanoparticles on cell viability and intracellular signaling. Annual Meeting of the German, Austrian and Swiss Associations of Hematology and Oncology, 18.–22. October 2013, Vienna, Oesterreich. [Poster]
- Baehring F, Bergemann C, Hochhaus A, Clement JH. (2013). In vitro cell culture based analytical tools for nanoparticle-cell interactions. 13th German Ferrofluid-Workshop, 25.-27.September 2013, Benediktbeuern, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Gey C, Baehring F, Bergemann C, Schlenk F, Fischer D, Hochhaus A, Clement JH. (2013).The influence of superparamagnetic nanoparticles on cell viability and intracellular signalling. 13th German Ferrofluid-Workshop, 25.-27.September 2013, Benediktbeuern, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Mueller R, Goehner C, Glaeser M, Schleussner E, Hofmann A, Fritzsche W. (2013). Investigations on the transfer of magnetic nanoparticles at the blood-placenta barrier. 13th German Ferrofluid-Workshop, 25.-27.September 2013, Benediktbeuern, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Baehring F, Schlenk F, Joerke C, Bergemann C, Fischer D, Hochhaus A, Clement JH. (2013). Characteristics of PEI-shells affect short-term and long-term survival of endothelial cell cultures. NanoMed Abschluss-Symposium, 11.-12. Juli 2013, Jena, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Fischer D. (2013). NanoMed – Ergbenisse und Erfahrungen nach 3 Jahren Forschung im Verbundprojekt. NanoMed Abschluss-Symposium, 11.-12. Juli 2013, Jena, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Schlenk F, Baehring F, Bergemann C, Clement JH, Fischer D. (2013). Charge dependent influence of polymeric coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles on blood and blood brain barrier. NanoMed Abschluss-Symposium, 11.-12. Juli 2013, Jena, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Garwe F, Wirth J, Toppari J, Stranik O, Csaki A, Fritzsche W. (2013). Single plasmonic nanostructures for biosensing and excitation transfer in molecular wire. International Symposium Fundamentals of Laser Assisted Micro– & Nanotechnologies (FLAMN-13), 24.-28. Juni 2013, St. Petersburg, Russland. [Poster]
- Wotschadlo J. (2013). Biocompatible Multishell Architecture for Iron Oxide Nanoparticles. Doktorandensymposium der Zellchemie, 14. Juni 2013, Wiesbaden, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Fischer D. (2013). Natural and synthetic polymers as nanocarriers. Mini-Symposium “On the trail of monocytes and macrophages”, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet, 16. Mai 2013, Jena, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Domey J, Bergemann C, Krumbein I, Reichenbach JR, Bremer-Streck S, Kaiser WA, Hilger I. (2013). Optische und magnetresonanztechnische Visualisierung von Entzuendungen mittels passiver Markierung mononukleaerer Phagozyten mit bimodalen Nanopartikeln. Deutscher Roentgenkongress: 29. April–1. Mai 2013, Hamburg, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Werner S, Schlenk F, Baehring F, Bergemann C, Clement JH, Fischer D. (2013). Surface dependent plasma protein binding, biocompatibility and thrombogenic potential of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. CRS, German Chapter Annual Meeting, 21.-22. Maerz 2013, Ludwigshafen, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Bergemann C. (2013). Biokompatible magnetische Nanopartikel fuer toxikologische Untersuchungen. 3. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Foerdermaßnahmen NanoCare/NanoNature, 14.-15. Januar 2013, Frankfurt/M., Deutschland. [Poster]
- Csáki A. (2013). Quantifizierung von Nanopartikeln in biologischen Proben - Teilprojekt 5. 3. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Foerdermaßnahmen NanoCare/NanoNature, 14.-15. Januar 2013, Frankfurt/M., Deutschland [Poster]
- Fischer D. (2013). Toxicological charakterisation of nanomaterials for diagnostic imaging in medicine- NanoMed. BMBF Clustertreffen, 14.-15. Januar 2013, Frankfurt/M., Deutschland [Vortrag]
- Fischer D. (2012). Toxicological characterization of nanomaterials for diagnostic imaging in medicine- NanoMed. Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft, Doktorandentagung, 14.-17. November 2012, Weimar, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Csáki A. (2012). Molecular Plasmonics - biomolecules meets the colourful world of nanoparticles. 5th Szeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience, 24-27. Oktober 2012, Szeged, Ungarn. [Poster]
- Fischer D. (2012). Toxicological characterization of nanomaterials for diagnostic imaging in medicine- NanoMed. Nanobiomedicine: Potential, Challenges & Risks, 10. Oktober 2012, Mainz, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Baehring F, Schlenk F, Joerke C, Bergemann C, Fischer D, Hochhaus A, Clement JH. (2012). Characteristics of PEI-Shells affect short-term and long-term survival of endothelial cell cultures. 12th German Ferrofluid Workshop, 26.-28. September 2012, Benediktbeuern, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Schlenk F, Baehring F, Bergemann C, Clement JH, Fischer D. (2012). Charge dependent influence of polymeric coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles on blood and blood brain barrier. 12th German Ferrofluid Workshop, 26.-28. September 2012, Benediktbeuern, Deutschland [Poster]
- Schlenk F, Baehring F, Bergemann C, Clement JH, Fischer D. (2012). Charge dependent influence of polymeric coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles on blood and blood brain barrier. 12th German Ferrofluid Workshop, 26.-28. September 2012, Benediktbeuern, Deutschland [Vortrag]
- Dutz S, Clement JH (2012). Formation of protein corona around magnetic nanoparticles as a temperature-controlled process. 12th German Ferrofluid Workshop, 26.-28. September 2012, Benediktbeuern, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Mueller R, Seyfarth L, Glaeser M, Enke U, Schleussner E, Hofmann A, Fritzsche W (2012). Investigations on quantification of magnetic nanoparticles after perfusion of a placenta. 12th German Ferrofluid Workshop, 26.-28. September 2012, Benediktbeuern, Deutschland. [Vortrag+ Poster]
- Voigt K, Wotschadlo J, Konowski P, Schwalbe M, Pachmann P, Liebert T, Heinze T, Hochhaus A, Clement JH (2012). Success of magnetic assisted epithelial cell sorting depends on the nanoparticle shell and the therapeutic regiment. 12th German Ferrofluid Workshop, 26.-28. September 2012, Benediktbeuern, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Domey J, Bergemann C, Bremer-Streck S, Krumbein I, Reichenbach JR, Kaiser WA, Hilger I. (2012). Imaging cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system and biodistribution of bimodal NIRF-nanoparticles. Molekulare Bildgebung, 17-19. September 2012, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Baehring F, Wotschadlo J, Voigt K, Seyfarth L, Liebert T, Heinze T, Fischer D, Bergemann C, Hochhaus A, Clement JH. (2012). A Standardized Cell-Based Toxicity Test system for Nanoparticles. 1st Workshop NanoMed- Safety of Nanoscale Materials in Medicine, 26.-27. Juni 2012, Jena, Deutschland. [Vortrag + Poster]
- Domey J, Bergemann C, Kaiser WA, Hilger I. (2012). Fluorescence optical imaging of cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system using fluorochrome labeled iron oxide particles. 1st Workshop NanoMed: Safety of Nanoscale Materials in Medicine, 26.-27. Juni 2012, Jena, Deutschland [Poster]
- Mueller R, Seyfarth L, Enke U, Glaeser M, Hofmann A, Fritzsche W. (2012). Detection of magnetic nanoparticles after perfusion of a placenta - First results. 1st Workshop NanoMed: Safety of Nanoscale Materials in Medicine, 26.-27. Juni 2012, Jena, Deutschland [Poster]
- Schlenk F, Enke U, Bergemann C, Seyfarth L, Schleussner E, Clement JH, Fischer D. (2012). Comparative structure dependency study on hemocompatibility regarding free and particle associated polymers. 1st Workshop NanoMed: Safety of Nanoscale Materials in Medicine, 26.-27. Juni 2012, Jena, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Seyfarth L, Enke U, Braeuer R, Brendel N, Buettner M, Czaki A, Schlenk F, Bergemann C, Fischer D, Seidel P, Schleussner E. (2012). Placenta perfusion – a suitable ex vivo model to characterise interaction of nanoparticles with human tissue? 1st Workshop NanoMed: Safety of Nanoscale Materials in Medicine, 26.-27. Juni 2012, Jena, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Voigt K, Konowski P, Wotschadlo J, Joerke C, Schwalbe M, Pachmann K, Liebert T, Heinze T, Hochhaus A, Clement JH. (2012). CMD-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles – A useful tool for quantitative magnetic assisted depletion of circulating epithelial tumor cells from peripheral blood. 1st Workshop NanoMed: Safety of Nanoscale Materials in Medicine, 26.-27. Juni 2012, Jena, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Baehring F, Schlenk F, Wotschadlo J, Buske N, Liebert T, Bergemann C, Hochhaus A, Fischer D, Clement JH. (2012). Suitability of vitality assays for testing biological effects of coated superparamagnetic nanoparticles. 9th Magnetic Carrier Meeting, 22.-26 Mai 2012, Minneapolis, USA. [Poster + Proceedings]
- Domey J, Bergemann C, Kaiser WA, Hilger I. (2012). Fluorooptische Bildgebung von Zellen des Mononukleaeren Phagozyten Systems mit Hilfe von bimodalen Eisenoxidnanopartikeln. Tag der Nachwuchswissenschaftler Forschungszentrum Lobeda, 4. Mai 2012, Uniklinikum Jena, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Schlenk F, Enke U, Seyfarth L, Schleussner E, Clement JH, Fischer D. (2012). Structure dependent influence on hemocompatibility of free and particle associated polymers. Controlled Release Society, German Chapter Annual Meeting, 29.-30. Maerz 2012, Wuerzburg, Deutschland. [Vortrag + Poster]
- Bergemann C. (2012). Toxikologische Charakterisierung von Nanomaterialien fuer die diagnostische Bildgebung in der Medizin. 2. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Foerdermaßnahmen NanoCare und NanoNature, 13.-14. Maerz 2012, Frankfurt/M., Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Mueller R, Seyfarth L, Glaeser M, Csaki A, Schleussner E, Hofmann A, Fritzsche W. (2012). Untersuchungen zur Quantifizierung von Nanopartikeln in biologischen Proben. 2. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Foerdermaßnahmen NanoCare und NanoNature, 13.-14. Maerz 2012, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Seyfarth L, Fischer D. (2012). Toxikologische Charakterisierung von Nanomaterialien fuer die diagnostische Bildgebung in der Medizin – NanoMed. 2. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Foerdermaßnahmen NanoCare und NanoNature, 13.-14. Maerz 2012, Frankfurt/M., Deutschland. [Poster]
- Baehring F, Wotschadlo J, Voigt K, Seyfarth L, Fischer D, Bergemann C, Hochhaus A, Clement JH. (2012). A standardized cell-based test system for nanoparticles – focus on the toxic endpoint. Nanomaterials for Biomedical Technologies, 6.-7. Maerz 2012, Frankfurt/M., Deutschland. [Vortrag + Poster]
- Mueller R, Seyfarth L, Glaeser M, Enke U, Brendel N, Schleussner E, Hofmann A, Fritzsche W. (2012). First experiments on the detection of magnetic nanoparticles after perfusion of a placenta. Nanomaterials for Biomedical Technologies, 6.-7.Maerz 2012, Frankfurt/M., Deutschland. [Poster]
- Schlenk F, Enke U, Seyfarth L, Schleussner E, Clement JH, Fischer D. (2012). Influence of surface charge on hemocompatibility of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Nanomaterials for Biomedical Technologies, 6.-7. Maerz 2012, Frankfurt/M., Deutschland. [Poster]
- Fischer D. (2012). Polymere Nanosysteme in Therapie und Diagnostik: Ein alter Hut? Biologisch-Pharmazeutisches Kolloquium, Universitaet Jena, 19. Januar 2012, Jena, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Baehring F, Wotschadlo J, Voigt K, Seyfarth L, Fischer D, Bergemann C, Hochhaus A, Clement JH. (2011). Development of a standardized cell-based test system for nanoparticles – evaluating the toxic endpoint. 11th German Ferrofluid-Workshop, 28.-30. September 2011 Benediktbeuern, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Seyfarth L, Enke U, Braeuer R, Brendel N, Buettner M, Csaki A, Schlenk F, Bergemann C, Fischer D, Seidel P, Schleussner E. (2011). Placenta perfusion - a suitable ex vivo model to characterise Interaction of nanoparticles with human tissue? IFPA 2011, Placenta: Predicting Future Health, 14.-17. September 2011, Geilo, Norwegen. [Poster]
- Schlenk F, Enke U, Seyfarth L, Schleussner E, Fischer D. (2011). Hemocompatibility and physiological stabilization of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Thueringer Grenz- und Oberflaechentage, 13.-15. September 2011, Zeulenroda, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Baehring F, Wotschadlo J, Voigt K, Seyfarth L, Fischer D, Bergemann C, Hochhaus A, Clement JH. (2011). Die Entwicklung eines standardisierten zellbasierten Testsystems fuer Nanopartikel – Definition des toxischen Endpunktes. Thueringer Grenz- und Oberflaechentage, 13.-15. September 2011, Zeulenroda, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Kopielski A, Csaki A, Fritzsche W. DNA superstructures and origami shapes for the realization of metal nanoparticle pattern. NanoBio-Europe, 21.-23.Juni 2011, Cork, Irland. [Poster]
- Wirth J, Garwe F, Haehnel G, Csaki A, Jahr N, Stranik O, Ondre W, Fritzsche W. Long-range excitation transfer via DNA nanowire using noble nanoparticles as laser antennas. NanoBio-Europe, 21.-23. Juni 2011, Cork, Irland. [Poster]
- Enke U, Seyfarth L, Braeuer R, Brendel N, Buettner M, Csaki A, Mueller R, Schlenk F, Bergemann C, Fischer D, Schleussner E. (2011). Human placenta perfusion as an ex vivo model to test transfer and toxicity of nanoparticles. Placenta Perfusion Workshop, 17.-18. Juni 2011, Paris, Frankreich. [Poster]
- Fischer D. (2011). Innovative polymers as drug delivery systems. Institut fuer Technische Chemie und Umweltchemie, Universitaet Jena, 27. Mai 2011, Jena, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Bergemann C. (2011). Toxikologische Charakterisierung von Nanomaterialien fuer die diagnostische Bildgebung in der Medizin – Teilprojekt 1. 1. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Foerdermaßnahmen NanoCare/NanoNature, 10.-11. Mai 2011, Frankfurt/M., Deutschland. [Poster]
- Bergemann C. (2011). Toxikologische Charakterisierung von Nanomaterialien fuer die diagnostische Bildgebung in der Medizin. 1.Clustertreffen der BMBF-Foerdermaßnahmen DECHEMA, 10.-11. Mai 2011, Frankfurt/M., Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Seyfarth L, Fischer D. (2011). Toxikologische Charakterisierung von Nanomaterialien fuer die diagnostische Bildgebung in der Medizin – Teilprojekt 4. 1.Clustertreffen der BMBF-Foerdermaßnahmen NanoCare/NanoNature, 10.-11. Mai 2011, Frankfurt/M., Deutschland. [Poster]
- Mueller R, Csaki A, Dutz S, Glaeser M, Fritzsche W. (2011). Toxikologische Charakterisierung von Nanomaterialien fuer die diagnostische Bildgebung in der Medizin – Teilprojekt 5. 1.Clustertreffen der BMBF-Foerdermaßnahmen NanoCare/NanoNature, 10.-11. Mai 2011, Frankfurt/M., Deutschland. [Poster]
- Clement JH, Wotschadlo J, Schnabelrauch M, Buske N, Liebert T, Heinze T. (2011). Medical application of magnetic nanoparticles with polysaccharide shells. V241. National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, 27.-31.Maerz 2011, Anaheim, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Csaki A, Schneider T, Jahr N, Leiterer C, Wirth J, Stranik O, Fritzsche W. (2011). Molecular Plasmonics: Applications of plasmonic nanoparticles in life sciences. Nano and Photonics, 14.-18. Maerz 2011, Mauterndorf, Oesterreich [Poster]
- Schiffler M, Buettner M, Schmidl F, Seidel P. (2011). Temperature dependent magnetorelaxometry: Comparison between theory and experimental data. Fruehjahrstagung DPG, 13.-18. Maerz 2011, Dresden, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Seyfarth L, Enke U, Brendel N, Braeuer R, Petersen I, Schleussner E. (2011). Human Placenta Perfusion – An Ex Vivo Model to Test Transfer and Toxicity of Particles - P50. German Chapter Annual Meeting - Controlled Release Society, 15.-16. Maerz 2011, Jena, Deutschland.[Poster]
- Baehring F, Wotschadlo J, Seyfarth L, Fischer D, Bergemann C, Hochhaus A, Clement JH. (2011). Towards a standardized cell-based test system for nanoparticles – defining the toxic endpoint – P12. German Chapter Annual Meeting - Controlled Release Society, 15.-16. Maerz 2011, Jena, Deutschland. Poster]
- Csaki A, Mueller R, Wirth J, Garwe F, Schneider T, Stranik O, Fritzsche W. (2011). Plasmonic nanoparticles for nanomedicine. Second World Conference on Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery, 11.-13. Maerz 2011, Kottayam, Kerala, Indien. [Poster]
- Clement JH. (2010). Differentielle Markierung von Zellen mit magnetischen Nanopartikeln. Arbeitskreis „Zellmarkierung“, 24. November 2010, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet Greifswald, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Wotschadlo J, Mueller B, Kuehn J, Nikolajski M, Pachmann K, Buske N, Mueller R, Liebert T, Schnabelrauch M, Heinze T, Hochhaus A, Clement JH. (2010). Short-term application of magnetic core-shell nanoparticles – Effect on immune cells. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2010, 1311, 431-437. [Poster + Proceedings]
- Optimale Nanopartikel entdeckt. Ein Projektteam der Jenaer Universität hat gemeinsam mit Partnern 100 verschiedene Nanopartikel analysiert. Ob sie gefährlich für Zellen sind hängt von ihrer Oberfläche ab. Zeitungsartikel in der Ostthüringischen Zeitung, 31.07.2013.
- Deutsche Welle TV Interview "Projekt Zukunft" mit NanoMed-Partner Prof. Dagmar Fischer, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Deutsche Welle TV, 19.09.2011
- Kleine Teilchen – große Wirkung? Pressemitteilung Universität Jena, 13.10.2010 (idw-online.de, 2010)