NanoTRACK – Nanoparticle life cycle studies based on [45Ti]TiO2 and [105Ag] Ag0
Within the BMBF-supported joint project NanoTrack (May 2010 to July 2013), partners from industry and research investigated the release of silver and titanium dioxide nanoparticles from surface coatings (nano-composite lacquers). Besides, the research activities focused on the further transport of these released nanoparticles in the environment and investigated processes through to the absorption of the respective nanoparticles by water-borne organisms (e.g. nematodes).
The nanoparticles were labelled with radioactive markers to enable tracing of even smallest concentrations in the highly complex media. Labelling methods allowing the use of radioactively marked nanoparticles in laboratory-scale experiments were developed. To simulate the life cycle of the nanoparticles, nano-composite lacquers were subjected to artificial, hence highly accelerated decomposition. The decomposition products were analysed and their release was traced.
The results revealed that the decomposition products of the investigated lacquer formulations consist of particles with a relatively large size distribution with emphasis on fragments in the range of 150nm and 250nm but also with fraction sizes down to the micrometre range. Besides, the decomposition products did not only consist of the originally used nanoparticles but also contained lacquer base material. The decomposition process, hence, was influenced both by the lacquer base material and the used nanomaterial.
In view of the above, the transport and mobility of the released nanoparticles in the environment strongly depended on the respective water conditions. In the case of relatively hard water, the nanoparticles have a rather low mobility and are removed rapidly from the water through adhesion to geomaterials (e.g. sand) and sedimentation. However, in the case of soft water and also in the presence of natural organic substances (e.g. humic matter), considerable suspension stabilities, which may significantly increase the environmental mobility, can be achieved.
In surface waters, it is particularly due to nanoparticle sedimentation that water-borne organisms living on the ground can get in contact with the nanoparticles and absorb them. The biofilms formed in most cases serve as a food source for further water-borne organisms. Mostly, these are biofilms which then again serve as food for further water-borne organisms. The project showed that e.g., titanium dioxide nanoparticles are absorbed by nematodes and that transport in further food chains, hence, cannot be basically excluded.
Grant Number: BMBF - FKZ 03X0078
Duration: 01.05.2010 - 30.04.2013 (extended to 31.07.2013)
Project Lead

Project Partners
- Schug H., Isaacson C.W., Sigg L., Ammann A.A., Schirmer K. (2014). Effect of TiO2 nanoparticles and UV radiation on extracellular enzyme activity of intact heterotrophic biofilms. Environ Sci Technol, 48(19): 11620-11628.
- Mehnert R., Mai, E., Freyer, A., Bilz, E. (2012). Freisetzung von SiO2-Nanopartikeln aus UV-gehärteten Nanokompositen, Farbe + Lack 118-4, 31-35.
- Hildebrand H., K. Franke (2012). A new radiolabeling method for commercial Ag0 nanopowder with 110mAg for sensitive nanoparticle detection in complex media. J Nanopart Res 14(10): 1-7.
- Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V. (HZDR) (2014). NanoTrack - Untersuchung des Lebenszyklus von Nanopartikeln anhand von [45Ti]TiO2 und [105Ag]Ag0 : Schlussbericht zum Projekt ; Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.05.2010 - 31.07.2013; Hildebrand Heike, Schymura Stefan, Franke Karsten; Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR); FKZ 03X0078A, TIB Hannover.
- Eawag: Das Schweizer Wasserforschungs-Institut des ETH-Bereichs (2014). NanoTrack - Untersuchung des Lebenszyklus von Nanopartikeln anhand von [45Ti]TiO2 und [105Ag]Ag0 : Teilprojekt 5: Untersuchungen zum Umwelteinfluss der NP auf das aquatische Milieu ; Abschlussbericht zum Projekt ; Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.05.2010 - 30.04.2013; Schirmer, Kristin; Eawag: Das Schweizer Wasserforschungs-Institut des ETH-Bereichs, FKZ 03X0078A; TIB Hannover.
- Cetelon Nanotechnik GmbH (2014). Untersuchung des Lebenszykluses von Nanopartikeln anhand von [45Ti]TiO2 und [105Ag]Ag0 : Schlussbericht; Cetelon Nanotechnik GmbH; FKZ 03X0078B; TIB Hannover.
- Leibniz-Institut fuer Oberflaechenmodifizierung (IOM) (2014). Schlussbericht zum Projekt: NanoTrack - Untersuchung des Lebenszyklus von Nanopartikeln anhand von [45Ti]TiO2 und [105Ag]Ag0 : Teilprojekt 2: Aussagen zur Freisetzung von TiO2 (NP) bzw. Ag0 (NP) aus in der Industrie eingesetzten Nanokompositmaterialien in Folge von Verschleiss- und Alterungseffekten ; Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.05.2010 - 30.04.2013; Freyer Anette, Bilz Evelin; Leibniz-Institut fuer Oberflaechenmodifizierung e.V. (IOM); FKZ 03X0078C; TIB Hannover.
- Schug H., Isaacson C.W., Sigg L., Ammann A.A., Schirmer K. (2013). Extracellular enymatic activity of intact heterotrophic biofilms is decreased upon exposure to TiO2 nanoparticle and environmentally realistic UV radiation. SETAC 2014, 11.-15.05.2014, Basel, Schweiz. [Poster]
- Schirmer K. (2014). Umwelttoxikologie und Bioakkumulation von Nanopartikeln. Weiterbildungskurs für Wissenschaft, Behörden und Industrie zum Thema „Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen zur Regulation von Nanomaterialien", 20.01-21.01.2014, Eawag, Dübendorf, Schweiz. [ORAL]
- Schymura S., Hildebrand H., Franke K. (2013). Environmental fate of TiO2 nanoparticles. Cycleur Meeting 2013, 12.-13.12.2013, Ispra, Italien. [ORAL]
- Schirmer K. (2013). Ecotoxicity of nanomaterials. Dialogveranstaltung des BMBF - Sicherer Umgang mit Nanomaterialien, 26.11.2013, Berlin, Deutschland. [ORAL]
- Isaacson C.W., Schug, H., Sigg, L., Ammann, A., Schirmer, K. (2013). Benthic Food Chain Studies with TiO2 Nanoparticles. 8th IWA Specialist Conference on Assessment and Control of Micropollutants/Hazardous Substances in Water, 16.-20.06.2013, Zürich, Schweiz. [Poster ]
- Isaacson C.W., Schug, H., Sigg, L., Ammann, A., Schirmer, K. (2013). Benthic Food Chain Studies with TiO2 Nanoparticles. Nano Gordon 2013 Conference, 02.-05.06.2013, Stowe/Vermont, USA. [Poster ]
- Isaacson C.W., Schug, H., Sigg, L., Ammann, A. A., Schirmer, K. (2013). Effects and Behavior of TiO2 nanoparticles in Benthic Systems. Departmental Seminar, Department of Environmental Geosciences, 27.05.2013, Universität Wien, Österreich. [ORAL]
- Schymura S., Hildebrand, H., Franke, K. (2013). Radiolabelling of engineered nanoparticles – alternative strategies for Ag0-NP, TiO2-NPs and CNTs. Qnano Conference 2013, 27.02.-01.03.2013, Praq, Tschechien. [Poster]
- Schymura S., Hildebrand, H, Cydzik, I., Simonelli, F., Bulgheroni, A., Holzwarth, U., Kozempel, J., Freyer, A., Bilz, E., Franke, K., Gibson, N. (2013). Radiolabelling of engineered nanoparticles – different strategies for Ag0-NP, TiO2-NP and MWCNT. Qnano Conference 2013, 27.02.-01.03.2013, Praq, Tschechien. [ORAL]
- Freyer A., Bilz, E., Prager, A., Hildebrand, H., Franke, K., Mai, E., Mehnert, R. (2013). Investigation of TiO2-nanoparticle release from UV-curable polymeric nanocomposites – NanoTrack. 3. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Fördermaßnahmen NanoCare und NanoNature, 14.-15.01.2013, Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Hildebrand H., Franke, K., Gibson, N., Cydzik, I., Simonelli, F., Bulgheroni, A., Holzwarth, U., .Bilz, E., Freyer, A. (2013). Radiolabelling of silver and titania nanoparticles as a tool for sensitive detection of nanoparticle release from surface coatings. 3. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Fördermaßnahmen NanoCare und NanoNature, 14.-15.01.2013, Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Isaacson C.W., Schug, H., Sigg, L., Ammann, A., Schirmer, K., (2013). Benthic Food Chain Studies with TiO2 Nanoparticles. 3. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Fördermaßnahmen NanoCare und NanoNature, 14.-15.01.2013, Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland. [Poster ]
- Schymura S., Hildebrand, H, Cydzik, I., Simonelli, F., Bulgheroni, A., Holzwarth, U., Kozempel, J., Freyer, A., Bilz, E., Franke, K., Gibson, N. (2012). Radiolabelling of engineered nanoparticles – different strategies for Ag0-NP, TiO2-NP and MWCNT. Cycleur Meeting 2012, 29.-30.11.2012, Ispra, Italien. [ORAL]
- Freyer A., Bilz E., Hildebrand, H., Franke, K., Mehnert, R., Mai, E. (2012). Investigation of nanoparticle release from UV-curable polymeric nanocomposites. International conference on safe production and use of nanomaterials - NanoSafe 2012, 13.-15.11.2012, Grenoble, Frankreich. [Poster]
- Hildebrand H., Franke K., Freyer A., Bilz E., Mehnert R., Mai E., Isaacson C.W., Schirmer K., Ammann A., Sigg L. (2012). Investigation of the life cycle of nanoparticles be means of [44,45Ti]TiO2 and [110mAg]Ag0 - Research Project NanoTrack. NanoSafe 2012, 13.-15.11.2012, Grenoble, Frankreich. [ORAL]
- Hildebrand H., Franke K., Gibson, N., Cydzik I., Simonelli F., Bulgheroni A., Holzwarth U., .Bilz E., Freyer A. (2012). Radiolabelling of engineered silver and titania nanoparticles as a tool for sensitive detection of nanoparticle release from surface coatings. International Conference on Safe Production and Use of Nanomaterials - NanoSafe 2012, 13.-15.11.2012, Grenoble, Frankreich. [Poster]
- Franke K., Hildebrand H., Schymura S., Cydzik I., Simonelli F., Bulgheroni A., Holzwarth U., Kozempel J., Gibson N. (2012). Radiolabelling of engineered nanoparticles – different strategies for Ag0-NP, TiO2-NP and MWCNT. NRC 8 – International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry, 16.-21.09. 2012, Como, Italien. [ORAL]
- Freyer A., Bilz E., Prager A., Reinhardt I. (2012). Verfolgung des Abbaus von Ag-haltigen Nanokompositen - NanoTrack. 2. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Fördermaßnahmen NanoCare und NanoNature, 13.-14. 03.2012, Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Hildebrand H., K. Franke (2012). Investigation of the life cycle of nanoparticles by means of radiolabelling – NanoTrack. 2. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Fördermaßnahmen NanoCare und NanoNature, 13.-14.03.2012, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Hildebrand H. (2012). NanoTrack - Untersuchung des Lebenszyklus von Nanopartikeln anhand von [44Ti]TiO2 und [110mAg]Ag0. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2012, Leipzig, Deutschland. [Experimentalvorführung]
- Mehnert R., Mai E., Freyer A., Bilz E. (2011). Freisetzung von Nanopartikeln aus UV-gehärteten Nanokompositen? 19. Neues Dresdner Vakuumtechnisches Kolloquium, 19.-20.10.2011, Dresden, Deutschland. [ORAL]
- Hildebrand H., Franke K. (2011). Radiolabelling of commercial Ag0 and TiO2 nanoparticles with 110mAg and 44Ti for life-cycle studies. CYCLEUR Workshop, 28.-29.11.2011, Ispra, Italien. [ORAL]
- Franke K., Hildebrand H., Mehnert R., Mai E., Freyer A., Bilz E., Isaacson C.W., Schirmer K., Ammann A., Sigg L. (2011). NanoTrack - Untersuchung des Lebenszyklus von Nanopartikeln anhand von [44Ti]TiO2 und [110mAg]Ag0. Wing.de 2011, 4.-6.10.2011, Berlin, Deutschland. [Poster ]
- Franke K., Gottschalch U., Hildebrand H. (2011). Radiolabelling of nanoparticles for life-cycle studies. 3rd International Nuclear Chemistry Congress, 18.-23.09.2011, Terrasini – Palermo, Italien. [Poster]
- Hildebrand H., Franke K. (2011). Radiolabelling of engineered nanomaterials as a tool for sensitive particle tracking. Goldschmidt 2011, 14.-19.08.2011, Prag, Tschechien. [ORAL]
- Freyer A., Bilz E., Prager, A.(2011) Verfolgung des Abbaus von TiO2-haltigen Nanokompositen – NanoTrack. 1. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Fördermaßnahmen NanoCare und NanoNature, 10.-11.5.2011, Frankfurt a.M., Deutschland. [Poster]
- Hildebrand H., K. Franke (2011). Investigation of the life cycle of nanoparticles by means of radiolabelling – NanoTrack. 1. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Fördermaßnahmen NanoCare und NanoNature, 10.-11.5.2011, Frankfurt a.M., Deutschland. [Poster]
- Hildebrand H. (2011). Untersuchung des Lebenszyklus von TiO2-und Ag0-Nanopartikeln – NanoTrack. 1. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Fördermaßnahmen NanoCare und NanoNature, 10.-11.05.2011, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. [ORAL]