ProCycle – Analysis and toxicological evaluation of dusts from recycling and recycling processes of nanocomposites and strategies for risk minimisation

ProCycle Workplan
ProCycle investigates and evaluates the toxicological and ecotoxicological relevance of dust and gas emissions that occur during the recycling and thermal utilisation of nanocomposites (NC). This includes interpreting the results for REACH registration processes. Methods need to be developed for a reliable on-the-spot characterisation of the dusts and possibly occurring gases during comminuting or thermal recycling of nanocomposites, especially in order to obtain realistic emission values when using exposition modules for toxicology.
The aim is to reduce the risk potential of the dusts resulting from the recycling processes and of the gases produced during thermal disposal.
For this, a proposal for a continuous investigation and evaluation methodology for the application of nanomaterials in plastics and for material and thermal recovery will be developed.
In joining partners with competences in the areas of compounding, comminution, combustion, measurement technology, toxicology, and REACH assessment the project ProCycle offers a research and development approach which covers the entire process chain.
Grant Number: BMBF - FKZ 03XP0009
Duration: 01.05.2015 - 30.04.2018 (extended to 30.09.2018)
Project Lead

Project Partners

- Hufnagel M., May N., Wall J., Wingert N., Garcia-Käufer M., Arif A., Hübner C., Berger M., Mülhopt S., Baumann W., Weis F., Krebs T., Becker W., Gminski R., Stapf D., Hartwig A. (2021). Impact of Nanocomposite Combustion Aerosols on A549 Cells and a 3D Airway Model; Nanomaterials, 11(7).
- Hufnagel M., Schoch S., Wall J., Strauch B.M., Hartwig A. (2020). Toxicity and Gene Expression Profiling of Copper- and Titanium-Based Nanoparticles Using Air-Liquid Interface Exposure. Chem Res Toxicol,