NanoHarmony Webinar „Phase 2-3: Tech Development & Approval“

Home > News-Archiv > Events > NanoHarmony Webinar „Phase 2-3: Tech Development & Approval“
04.05.2022 - 04.05.2022
14:00 Uhr - 15:30 Uhr

The next Webinar in the 2022 series organised by the Eu H2020 project NanoHarmony is adressing „OECD Test Guidelines Process: Phases 2 and 3 Technical development and commenting and approval“.

During the first half of 2022, the NanoHarmony Project ( ) is running a webinar series covering the journey of a test guideline (TG) through the OECD process to be able to understand the challenges and barriers that need to be addressed at each stage. The webinars will all be interactive with the aim of gathering input from all stakeholders involved in the OECD test guideline development process, along with those that are interested in the use of TGs, as well as researchers who are looking to develop their outcomes into new TGs.


  • Chair Claus Svendsen (UKCEH)
  • Mar Gonzalex (OECD)
  • Thomas Kuhlbusch (BAuA)
  • Frank von der Kammer (University Vienna)

WANN: 04.05.2022, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM CEST

WO: Online

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