Home > News-Archiv > Events > SUSTAINABLE NANOFABRICATION: Joint Networking Event
05.07.2022 - 07.07.2022

SUSNANOFAB and NanoFabNet join forces to host a networking event on Sustainable Nanofabrication between July 5 and 7 at INL, Braga, Portugal. Be part of this joint initiative to strengthen networks while exploring technologies to uptake sustainable nanofabrication solutions!

The 3-day programme includes:

  • A panel dedicated to industry, innovation and research, composed of renowned speakers addressing hot topics on sustainable nanofabrication and nanomanufacturing;
  • Brokerage Sessions to explore potential business and technological collaboration opportunities in the nanofabrication and nanomanufacturing ecosystem;
  • A co-creation session to assess the impact of the proposed actions and stimulate implementation ideas within the “SUSNANOFAB Roadmap for an EU wide strategy on nanofabrication”;
  • Training Sessions in Safe and Sustainable by Design and Standardization.
  • Launch of the NanoFabNet Hub
  • And Poster Sessions throughout the whole programm

WANN: 05-07.07.2022

WO: Braga, Portugal

Registration via


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