CarboLifeCycle – Innovation Alliance Carbon Nanotubes: Innovation for industry and society
Based on the results of the projects CarboSafe and TRACER the project CarboLifeCycle intensifies the research concerning nano-safety aspects. In this project the emphases besides the ecotoxicological consideration are on the development of measurement engineering, the advancement of measurement strategies and the measurement of potential exposure within the production, processing, utilisation and “end of life” of CNT’s or CNT containing products.
Further Information on the project as well as on the InnoCNT-Alliance can be found on www.inno-cnt.de/en/.
- CarboLifeCycle Projekt-Datenblatt (PDF, 200 KB )
Grant Number: BMBF - FKZ 03X0114
Duration: 01.11.2010 - 31.10.2013 (extended to 31.04.2014)
Project Lead

Project Partners

CarboLifeCycle Consortium (2014). CarboLifeCycle : Materialeigenschaften, Freisetzung und Verhalten von CNT in der Umwelt ; gemeinsamer Endbericht / Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Maes Hanna; FKZ 03X0114 A-E; TIB Hannover. (PDF; 76.3 MB)