NANOMOBIL : Synthetic Silver Nanoparticles in the system Soil-Groundwater – mobility, effects on cohabitation and interaction between hydro-, pedo- and biosphere
The objective of the Nanomobil project was to study the interaction between synthetic silver nanoparticles (Ag-NP) and the biosphere, pedosphere, and hydrosphere under realistic conditions. The focus of this project was on the future hazard and risk assessment of nanoparticles in the environment. Another aim of the Nanomobil project was to investigate the effects of nanoparticles on organisms and associated effects on the environment.
RWTH Aachen University, Chair of Environmental Biology and Chemodynamics
Acute and chronic effects of silver nanoparticles and silver nitrate on various terrestrial and aquatic organisms have been investigated. As expected, silver nitrate induced a higher mortality in earthworms than silver nanoparticles. Here, species-dependent sensitivities were observed: Lumbricus terrestris was more sensitive than Eisenia fetida. Springtails, Folsomia candida, showed chronic effects in the form of reduced reproduction for two differently stabilized silver nanoparticles at similar concentrations (surfactant- and polymer-stabilized silver nanoparticles were investigated). The collembolan species also proved to be the most sensitive terrestrial organism. The aquatic organism Gammarus pulex showed significant effects on feeding behaviour even at low concentrations (3 µg Ag/L).
In addition to ecotoxicological effects, the influence of earthworms on the mobility of two different silver nanoparticles in natural soil was investigated. The dwelling activity of earthworms contributed to a slightly increased leaching of some of the nanomaterials in the soil; however, the excrements of the worms also increasingly retained silver nanoparticles in the upper part of the soil. It could also be shown that the coating of the nanoparticles influenced the transport behaviour of the silver nanoparticles. However, overall, the transport of silver nanoparticles in the soil is very limited and most of the applied material remains in the uppermost soil layer.
RWTH Aachen University, Chair of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology
Within the subproject Hydrosphere, the transport and the long-term behaviour of surfactant-stabilized and polymer-stabilized synthetic silver nanoparticles in aquifer material were investigated. Silicate-dominated and carbonate-dominated aquifer materials were considered due to their importance in drinking water supply. In the project, column experiments on the laboratory scale were carried out.
In the silicate-dominated aquifer material, the influence of hydraulic and physico-chemical factors on the transport and long-term behaviour of Silver nanoparticles was investigated. The main influencing factors for the transport were the content of fine aquifer sediment (with particles < 0.063 mm), the intervals between irrigations, the ionic strength and the composition of the background solution as well as the method of stabilizing the nanoparticles. In addition, studies on the transport of polymer-stabilized silver nanoparticles in the presence of phosphorus were performed in the silicate-dominated aquifer material. Silver nanoparticle transport depends on the presence or absence of soil organic matter (SOM) as well as on the type of phosphorus species (organic or inorganic). The pH value and the grain size also play a significant role in leaching of the silver nanoparticles. In the carbonate-dominated porous material (natural aquifer material and artificial quartz-calcium carbonate mixture with changing carbonate content) the influence of the carbonate content, the stabilization method of silver nanoparticles and SOM on the transport was investigated. In some cases, considerable differences were found in the retention behaviour of surfactant- and polymer-stabilized silver nanoparticles.
gaiac – Research Institute for Ecosystem Analysis and Evaluation e.V.
Within the framework of the Nanomobil project, long-term effects of silver nanoparticles on a natural biocoenosis of soil organisms were investigated. The study was carried out in so-called terrestrial model ecosystems (TME) under field conditions over a period of one-year comparing silver nanoparticles stabilized with surfactants and polymers as well as silver nitrate. Various soil organisms showed a significant increase in activity (escape behaviour from the soil) in the short term (after 14 d). After 6 months, some species of the collembolans and of the horn mites as well as the associated juveniles were significantly reduced compared to the control. The sensitivity of the collembolans to the two silver nanoparticles’ species was different and some of them reacted more sensitively to the Silver nanoparticles than to silver nitrate. The community of earthworms could only be studied after one year and was not affected by Silver nanoparticles one year after application.
Research Centre Juelich – Institute for Biosciences and Earth Sciences
Within the framework of the Nanomobil subproject “Pedosphere”, investigations were carried out on surface-stabilized silver nanoparticles in soil under the influence of environmentally relevant weather conditions such as drought periods and rain events. Transport and deposition results from laboratory column experiments and on a larger scale from lysimetric studies showed that dry periods led to a complete decrease of silver nanoparticle mobility. In addition, for all rain events, the breakthrough of silver nanoparticles was very small and almost all silver nanoparticles remained in the upper soil horizon. However, heavy rain events and natural rain conditions showed a displacement of silver nanoparticles within the Ap horizon (in the layer of typical soil tillage).
Postnova Analytics GmbH
Postnova Analytics GmbH developed methods for the characterization of silver nanoparticles in complex environmental matrices down to trace concentrations. Asymmetric flux-field-flow fractionation (AF4) was used. By enrichment of the silver nanoparticles, directly in the AF4 separation channel, application of the “slot-outlet function” for removal of the silver nanoparticle-free eluent stream as well as the coupling with the strong inductive-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), detection limits for the silver nanoparticle determination in liquid samples in the sub-µg/L (ppb) range could be realized. The AF4-ICP-MS coupling was finally used to investigate the transport behaviour of silver nanoparticles in soils
Grant Number: BMBF - 03X0151
Duration: 01.08.2014-31.07.2017 (extended to 31.10.2017)
Project Lead

Project Partners

- Makselon J., Siebers N., Meier F., Vereecken H., Klumpp E. (2018). Role of rain intensity and soil colloids in the retention of surfactant-stabilized silver nanoparticles in soil. Environ Pollut, 238 1027-1034.
- Adrian Y.F., Schneidewind U., Bradford S.A., Simunek J., Fernandez-Steeger T.M., Azzam R. (2018). Transport and retention of surfactant- and polymer-stabilized engineered silver nanoparticles in silicate-dominated aquifer material. Environ Pollut, 236 195-207.
- Makselon J., Zhou D., Engelhardt I., Jacques D., Klumpp E. (2017). Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Silver Nanoparticle Transport under Variable Flow and Ionic Strength in Soil. Environ Sci Technol, 51(4): 2096-2104.
- Institut für Bio- und Geowissenschaften, IBG-3: Agrosphäre, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (2018). Nanomobil: Synthetische Silber-Nanopartikel im System Boden-Grundwasser - Mobilität, Wirkungen auf die Lebensgemeinschaft und Wechselwirkung zwischen Hydro-, Pedo- und Biosphäre : Teilprojekt AP1: Pedosphäre : Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse von Forschungsvorhaben im BMBF-Programm : Projektlaufzeit: 01.08.2014-31.10.2017. FKZ 03X0151B, TIB Hannover. (DOI)
- Postnova Analytics GmbH (2018). Nanomobil: Synthetische Silber-Nanopartikel im System Boden-Grundwasser - Mobilität, Wirkungen auf die Lebensgemeinschaft und Wechselwirkung zwischen Hydro-, Pedo- und Biosphäre : Teilprojekt Postnova Analytics GmbH : Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse von Forschungsvorhaben im BMBF-Programm : Projektlaufzeit: 01.08.2014-31.10.2017. FKZ 03X0151C, TIB Hannover. (DOI)
- Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen - Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurgeologie und Hydrogeologie (LIH) - Institut für Umweltforschung (UBC)
- Forschungsinstitut für Ökosystemanalyse und -bewertung an der RWTH Aachen e. V.
Adrian, Y., Schneidewind, U., Azzam, R. (2017): Transport behavior of engineered silver nanoparticles in natural aquifer material. Scientific stakeholder meeting on nanomaterials in the environment, Federal Environment Agency (UBA), 10.-11. Oktober, 2017. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Rosslau, Deutschland.
- Hammers-Wirtz M (2017): Investigating effects of silver nanoparticles on the soil community – An outdoor TME study. Vortrag, Scientific Stakeholder Meeting on Nanomaterials in the Environment, 10.-11. Oktober, 2017. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Rosslau, Deutschland.
- Penssler E.M., Taleb S., Kathmann W., Lange J., Maes H.M., Roß-Nickoll M., Schäffer A. (2017): Engineered silver nanoparticles in the environment: an overview of ecotoxicological effects and the mobility in natural soil. Scientific Stakeholder Meeting on Nanomaterials in the Environment, 10.-11. Oktober, 2017. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Rosslau, Deutschland.
- Klumpp, E (2017) Role of soil colloids for the Transport und Retention of Nanoparticles in soil. Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, 12-15.08. 2017
- Schneidewind, U. (2017): Engineered Nanoparticles (ENPs) as Emerging Groundwater Contaminants – An Overview. IGCS Summer School 2017 -Sustainable Urban Water and Wastewater Management: India – Germany, 15.-28.07.2017, Aachen, Deutschland. (Vortrag)
- Hammers-Wirtz M, Oellers J, Fürste A, Miller S, Peeters S, Willius N, Toschki A (2017): Investigating effects of silver nanoparticles on the soil community – An outdoor TME study. Posterpräsentation, SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, 07.-11.05.2017, Brüssel, Belgien
- Toschki A, Oellers J, Willius N, Hammers-Wirtz M (2017): A new screening approach for testing natural soil communities in the laboratory. SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, 07.-11.05.2017, Brüssel, Belgien [Poster]
- Makselon, J, Rittinghaus, R., Bläser, D. und Klumpp E. (2017) Einfluss von Regenereignissen, Trockenperioden und Bodenbearbeitung auf den Transport und das Langzeitverhalten von Silbernanopartikeln im Boden. 3. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Fördermaßnahmen NanoCare, 04.-05.05.2017, Karlsruhe, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Adrian, Y., Schneidewind, U., Azzam, R. (2017); Transportverhalten von Silbernanopartikeln in silikatischem und karbonatischem Aquifermateria. NanoCare Clustertreffen 2017 - Ergebnisse der BMBF-Projekte aus den Fördermaßnahmen NanoCare und SIINN, NanoCare Clustertreffen 2017, 04.-05.05.2017, Karlsruhe, Deutschland. (Poster)
- Hammers-Wirtz M, Oellers J, Fürste A, Miller S, Peeters S, Willius N, Toschki A (2017): Investigating effects of silver nanoparticles on the soil community – An outdoor TME study. NanoCare Clustertreffen 2017, 04.-05.05.2017, Karlsruhe, Deutschland.
- Penssler E.M., Taleb S., Kathmann W., Lange J., Maes H.M., Roß-Nickoll M., Schäffer A. (2017): Silbernanopartikel in der terrestrischen Umwelt – Ökotoxikologische Effekte und Transport im Boden. NanoCare-Clustermeeting, 4.-5. Mai, 2017. Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, Deutschland.
- Penssler E.M., Kathmann W., Lange J., Roß-Nickoll M., Schäffer A., Maes H.M. (2017): Influence of earthworms on the transport and distribution of silver nanoparticles in soil. NanoImpact Conference, 12.-17. März, 2017. Konferenzzentrum Monte Verita, Schweiz.
Makselon, J., Zhou, D., Engelhardt, I., Jacques, D. and Klumpp E. (2017) Experimental and numerical investigations of silver nanoparticle transport under variable flow and ionic strength in soil. Final conference of the COST Action ENTER: Engineered Nanomaterials (ENMs) from wastewater treatment & stormwater to rivers; 07.-09.02.2017, Aveiro, Portugal.
- Adrian, Y. (2016). Transportverhalten synthetischer Silbernanopartikel in natürlichem Lockergesteins-Aquifermaterial. Preisverleihung der Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinrich Heitfeld Stiftung, 09.12.2016, Aachen, Deutschland. [Vortrag]Adrian, Y.F., Schneidewind, U., Azzam, R. (2016): Transportverhalten von Silbernanopartikeln in silikatischem und karbonatischem Aquifermaterial. Preisverleihung der Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinrich Heitfeld Stiftung, 09.12.2016, Aachen, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Adrian, Y.; Schneidewind, U.; Azzam, R. (2016). Transport and fate of engineered silver nanoparticles in aquifer media. AGU Fall Meeting 2016, 12.-16.12.2016, San Francisco, USA. [Poster]
- Makselon, J., Zhou, D., Engelhardt, I., Jacques, D. and Klumpp E. (2016) Effect of flow interruption and subsequent ionic strength reduction on silver nanoparticle transport in an undisturbed loamy sand soil. IAP: Interface against Pollution. 14.-17.09.2016, Lleida, Spanien.
- Adrian, Y.; Roth, L.; Schneidewind, U.; Azzam, R. (2016). Effect of material composition on the transport behavior of silver nanoparticles in aquifer material. International Workshop on Engineered Nanoparticles in Environmental Systems: Fate, Transport, Effects and Analytics. 20.–21.10.2016, Landau in der Pfalz, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Adrian, Y.; Schneidewind, U.; Fernández-Steeger, T. M.; Azzam, R. (2016). Transportverhalten von Silbernanopartikeln in silikatischem und karbonatischem Aquifermaterial. NanoCare-Clustertreffen 2016 - Ergebnisse der BMBF-Projekte aus den Fördermaßnahmen NanoCare und SIINN, 03. – 04.05.2016, Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Makselon, J und Klumpp E. (2016) Einfluss der Flussunterbrechung und Ionenstärke auf den Transport von Silbernanopartikeln in einem ungestörten lehmigen Sandboden. 2. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Fördermaßnahmen NanoCare, 03. – 04.05.2016, Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland.Penssler E.M., Kathmann W., Lange J., Taleb S., Roß-Nickoll M., Schäffer A., Maes H.M. (2016): Einfluss von Regenwürmern auf den Transport und die Verteilung von Silbernanopartikeln in Boden. NanoCare-Clustermeeting, 3.-4. Mai, 2016. 03. – 04.05.2016, Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland.
- Adrian, Y.; Schneidewind, U.; Fernández-Steeger, T. M.; Azzam, R. (2016). Effect of the background solution and material composition on the transport of silver nanoparticles in saturated aquifer materials. Geophysical Research Abstracts 18. EGU General Assembly 2016, 17. – 22.04.2016, Wien, Österreich. [Poster]
- Adrian, Y.; Schneidewind, U.; Fernández-Steeger, T. M.; Azzam, R. (2016). Transport and fate of manufactured silver nanoparticles in saturated heterogeneous natural porous media. Grundwasser - Mensch - Ökosysteme: 25. Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie in der DGGV 2016, 13.–17.04.2016, Karlsruhe, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Adrian, Y.; Fernández-Steeger, T. M.; Azzam, R. (2015). Transport of manufactures silver nanoparticles in saturated natural porous media. The Seventh Environmental Symposium of German-Arab Scientific Forum for Environmental Studies, 05. – 06.10.2015, Maskat, Sultanat Oman. [Vortrag]
- Makselon, J, Vereecken, H. and Klumpp E. (2015) Effect of interrupted flow and ionic strength on the transport of silver nanoparticles in an undisturbed sandy soil. ICEENN: International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials. 06.-08.09.2015, Wien, Österreich.Penssler E.M., Kathmann W, Lange J, Ross-Nickoll M, Schäffer A, Maes HM (2015): The distribution of silver nanoparticles in soil and groundwater systems. 10th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials. ICEENN 2015, 06.-08.09.2015, Wien, Österreich.
- Adrian, Y.; Fernández-Steeger, T. M.; Azzam, R. (2015). Transport und Verhalten von Silbernanopartikeln im Grundwasser. NanoCare-Clustertreffen 2015 - Ergebnisse der BMBF-Projekte aus den Fördermaßnahmen NanoCare und SIINN, 19. – 20.05.2015, Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Makselon, J und Klumpp E. (2015) Transport- und Langzeitverhalten von stabilisierten Silbernanopartikeln im ungestörten Boden. 1. Clustertreffen der BMBF-Fördermaßnahmen NanoCare, 19. – 20.05.2015, Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland.Meier F., Drexel R., Pfaffe T., Moldenhauer E. and Klein T. (2015): Characterization of Silber Nanopartikel down to trace levels using AF4 coupled with UV, DLS and ICP-MS. NanoCare-Clustermeeting, 19. – 20.05.2015, Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland.Penssler E.M., Kathmann W, Lange J, Ross-Nickoll M, Schäffer A, Maes HM (2015): The distribution of silver nanoparticles in soil and groundwater systems. NanoCare-Clustermeeting, 19. – 20.05.2015, Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland.
- Hammers-Wirtz M, Toschki A (2015): Investigating effects of silver nanoparticles on the soil community - Concept of an outdoor TME study. SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, 03.-05.05.2015, Barcelona, Spanien. [Poster]
- Makselon J, Penssler E.M., Liang Y, Klumpp E (2014): Effect of intermittent irrigation on the transport of Silver nanoparticles in quartz sand and an undisturbed sandy soil. INTERNANO-Nanoparticles in Soils and Waters: Fate, Transport and Effects, 11.-13. März 2014. Universität Koblenz, Landau in der Pfalz, Deutschland
- BMBF-Projekt NanoMobil in vollem Gange. Pressemeldung des Instituts für Umweltforschung, RWTH Aachen, 01.04.2015 (bio5.rwth-aachen.de, 2015)