Survey launched by ISO TC 229 Advanced Emergent Material Terminology Study Group

Home > Survey launched by ISO TC 229 Advanced Emergent Material Terminology Study Group
6. December 2021

ISO Technical Committee 229  ISO TC 229 has formed an study group on advanced and emergent materials to help identify and resolve (where appropriate) terminology issues involving innovations related to nanotechnologies. As part of this effort the study group is seeking input from internal and external stakeholders, and subject matter experts to ensure that any term considered for development adequately addresses the broader communities.  For awareness, the following are the original terms of reference for the Study Group:

  • Evaluate the need for terminology surrounding advanced and emerging materials dealing with nanotechnology
  • Evaluate the need for additional terms to clarify differences between variations in the use of terms related to advanced materials.
  • Discuss with other TC/229 working groups to identify needs in terminology and liaise with other relevant organizations as needed


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