Spotlight November 2020: Nanotechnology in the public perception

Home > Spotlight November 2020: Nanotechnology in the public perception

In November, we would like to draw your attention to a publication that examines public perception of the safety of nanomaterials in Austria.It shows, that although there is generally a rather positive attitude towards nanomaterials, there are different opinions on safety issues from different social groups. Further clarification seems necessary.

Despite the widespread use of nanomaterials in everyday life, consumer knowledge of the functions, benefits and potential risks of nanotechnology is still limited. As with any developing technology, their public perception has direct implications for future policy and needs to be taken into account by both academia and industry. Within the interdisciplinary research project “Nan-O-Style”, an online survey was conducted with an approach guided by the citizen science community. The main objective was to evaluate the current state of knowledge and attitudes towards nanotechnology in the general Austrian public and to determine how different socio-demographic factors can influence them.

Although Austrians generally have an optimistic and positive attitude towards nanotechnology, there are still concerns about its safety and possible risks. Participants expressed a strong desire for more information about nanotechnology and its applications, as well as for clear labeling and transparency of products containing nanomaterials. A consideration of various sociological factors was also made.

Original Publication::

Isabella A. Jouberta, Mark Gepperta, Stefanie Essa, Reinhard Nestelbacherb, Gabriele Gadermaiera, Albert Duschla, Arne C. Bathkec, Martin Himlya (2020) Public perception and knowledge on nanotechnology: A study based on a citizen science approach. NanoImpact 17.

Spotlight November 2020: Nanotechnology in the public perception

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