DaNa 4.0

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DaNa4.0 – Data on new, innovative and safe application related materials

DaNa4.0 was a science communication project dealing with the safety of novel materials. The project dealt with questions whether certain materials could be harmful to humans and/or the environment or whether and how humans and the environment could come into contact with these materials.

A new, innovative material is interesting for the DaNa project if it is being worked on in research projects, is already included in a product or is mentioned in the press. Then we conduct an intensive literature search and evaluation with the help of our “Literature Criteria Checklist“.

Complex, toxicological questions from current materials research were prepared in a generally understandable way and presented in a way that is understandable for non-scientists (interested consumers, journalists, politicians, NGOs etc.). These topics are communicated via the website www.nanopartikel.info/www.nanoobjects.info, brochures and info flyers in an interdisciplinary approach with scientists from human toxicology, ecotoxicology, biology, physics and chemistry.

Grant Number: BMBF - 03XP0282
Duration: 01.03.2020 - 28.02.2023 (extended until 30.11.2023)

Project Lead

Dechema Logo
Dr. Christoph Steinbach, DECHEMA e.V.

Web Coordination

KIT Logo English
Dr. Katja Nau, Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Project Partners

Dechema Logo
DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt/M. (DE)
KIT Logo English
Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (DE)

Department Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig (DE)
Adolphe Merkle Institute (AMI) Logo
Adolphe Merkle Institute (AMI)



  • Kühnel, D Krug, H F, Steinbach, C, Nau, K. "The DaNa projects: public communication of (nano)material safety data—from conspiracy theories to study quality". Front Toxicol. 2024; 6: 1382458. doi: 10.3389/ftox.2024.1382458
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