Abschlussworkshop Projekt Carbon Fibre Cycle – Carbonfasern im Kreislauf, 19.-20.01.2023, KIT Campus Nord
Within the framework of the BMBF joint project “CFC – Carbon Fibre Cycle: Carbon fibers in the cycle” under the project management of KIT, numerous new methods and findings on the behavior, recycling, and potential impact of carbon fibers on humans and the environment have been obtained in recent years. At the final workshop on January 19 and 20 2023, the project consortium will present the achieved results to the public in the form of lectures and a poster session. The event is aimed at all those interested in this complex of topics. Registration deadline for the two-day workshop is December 06, 2022.
- Further Information on the program, registration and submission of posters can be found in the Workshop Flyer (PDF)
WHENN: 19.-20.01.2023
WHERE: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Campus Nord, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Participation & Registration: Participation in the workshop is free of charge. Please register (see workshop flyer) by 06.12.2022. There is the possibility to submit your own poster contributions. Details can be found in the flyer.