nanoIndEx – Assessment of Individual Exposure to manufactured nanomaterials by means of personal monitors and samplers
Exposure to airborne nanomaterials needs to be measured in the personal breathing zone using nano-specific personal samplers or monitors. Such personal instruments have only become available over the recent years.
The main objectives of the nanoIndEx project were hence to scrutinize the possibilities and limitations of these novel instruments in both laboratory and field studies and then to generate reliable data regarding the personal exposure to airborne nanomaterials in real workplaces. nanoIndEx therefore studied the accuracy and comparability of the samplers and monitors, which was found to be typically around ± 30 % or better for compact or agglomerated particles. Dedicated studies on their field applicability showed that this accuracy and comparability is still applicable under real field conditions and that all tested instruments are robust and ready for field use.
However, the choice of sampling tube material needs to be carefully considered, because some polymer types were found to induce drastic artefacts when connected to monitoring devices. It was furthermore found that none of the applied monitors could be used to measure exposure to fibrous aerosols, e.g. containing carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Instead, the development of a sampling and data evaluation routine for fibres was initiated.
Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) regarding the proper use of the personal monitors and samplers and the performance of field studies have been written and shared via the project website www.nanoindex.eu. Numerous field studies have been conducted and a data collection and evaluation protocol has been developed. All applicable data have been uploaded to the international Nano Exposure and Contextual Information Database (NECID).
One main objective of the project was to widely distribute the project’s findings. Consequently, a 49- page Guidance Document “Assessment of Personal Exposure to Airborne Nanomaterials – a guidance document, NanoIndEx Consortium 2016” on the assessment of personal exposure to airborne nanomaterials has been written, printed and disseminated. It is also available on the project website. In addition, a large number of peer reviewed papers and book chapters have been (or will be) published and numerous presentations were (and will continue to be) given at various occasions to inform among others exposure scientists, occupational hygienists and workplace practitioners about the project results.
Grant Number: ERA-Net SIINN - FKZ 03X0127
Duration: 01.06.2013 - 30.05.2016
Project Lead

Project Partners

- Schulte P.A., Iavicoli I., Rantanen J.H., Dahmann D., Iavicoli S., Pipke R., Guseva Canu I., Boccuni F., Ricci M., Polci M.L., Sabbioni E., Pietroiusti A., Mantovani E. (2016). Assessing the protection of the nanomaterial workforce.Nanotoxicology, 10(7): 1013-1019.
- Fonseca A.S., Viana M., Perez N., Alastuey A., Querol X., Kaminski H., Todea A.M., Monz C., Asbach C. (2016). Intercomparison of a portable and two stationary mobility particle sizers for nanoscale aerosol measurements. Aerosol Sci Tech, 50(7): 653-668.
- Asbach C., Todea A.M. (2016). Persönliche Exposition gegenüber ultrafeinen Partikeln im Alltag – Eine Pisa Studie. Gefahrstoffe – Reinhaltung der Luft 09/2016, 315 – 321. (Quelle: www.gefahrstoffe.de; Springer-VDI-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG)
- Asbach, C., Clavaguera S., Todea A.M.(2016). Measurement Methods for Nanoparticles in Indoor and Outdoor Air, in Indoor and Outdoor Nanoparticles - Determinants of Release and Exposure Scenarios, Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. vol. 48, Viana, Ed., ed: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 19-49. ISBN:1867-979X
- Todea A.M., Beckmann S., Kaminski H., Asbach C. (2015). Accuracy of electrical aerosol sensors measuring lung deposited surface area concentrations. J Aerosol Sci, 89 96-109.
- Asbach C. (2015). Chapter 3.3 - Exposure Measurement at Workplaces- Dolez, Patricia I, In: Nano Engineering: Global Approaches to Health and Safety Issues, ed Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 523-555. ISBN:978-0-444-62747-6.
- Asbach C., Kaminski H., Dahmann D., Monz C., Neumann V., Plitzko S., Meyer-Plath A., Dziurowitz N., Simonow B., Fierz M., Todea A.M. (2015). Genauigkeit, Vergleichbarkeit und Feldtauglichkeit personengetragener Monitore zur Bestimmung der Exposition gegenüber Nanopartikeln. Gefahrstoffe – Reinhaltung der Luft 11-12/2015, 469–478. (Quelle: www.gefahrstoffe.de; Springer-VDI-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG) only available in German.
- Todea A.M., Beckmann S., Kaminski H., Asbach C. (2015). Accuracy of electrical aerosol sensors measuring lung deposited surface area concentrations. J Aerosol Sci, 89 96-109.
- NanoIndEx Konsortium (2016). Assessment of Personal Exposure to Airborne Nanomaterials – a guidance document. [PDF, 4.6 MB]
- NanoIndEx - Report D2.2 (2016). NanoIndex - Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), DELIVERABLE NO. D2.2. [PDF, 453 KB]
- Iavicoli I., Fontana L., Todea A.M., Asbach C. (2016). Valutazione dell'esposizione a nanomateriali ingegnerizzati mediante uso di campionatori personali. Italian Congress of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, 21-23September 2016, Rom, Italien. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C., H. Kaminski, Y. Lamboy, M. Fierz, A.M. Todea (2016). Influence of sampling tubes on the measurement with unipolar diffusion chargers. European Aerosol Conference, 4-9. September 2016, Tours, Frankreich. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C., H. Kaminski, C. Monz, D. Dahmann, V. Neumann, M. Fierz, S. Clavaguera, S. Plitzko, A. Meyer-Plath, B. Simonow, I. Iavicoli, L. Fontana, A. M. Todea (2016). Applicability of personal monitors for assessing the exposure to indoor nanoparticles. 14th international conference of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 3-8 Juli 2016, Ghent, Belgien. [Poster]
- Asbach C. (2016). Lessons learnt during the nanoIndEx project. nanoIndEx Workshop on "Assessment of personal exposure to airborne nanomaterials", 31. Mai 2016, Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C. (2016). Personal exposure to nanoscale particles in everyday life. nanoIndEx Workshop on "Assessment of personal exposure to airborne nanomaterials", 31. Mai 2016, Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Alexander C. (2016). Data evaluation of field measurements. nanoIndEx Workshop on "Assessment of personal exposure to airborne nanomaterials", 31. Mai 2016, Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Clavaguera S. (2016). Field applicability of instrumentation. nanoIndEx Workshop on "Assessment of personal exposure to airborne nanomaterials", 31. Mai 2016, Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Dahmann D. (2016). Performance of field measurements. nanoIndEx Workshop on "Assessment of personal exposure to airborne nanomaterials", 31. Mai 2016, Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Fierz M. (2016). Introduction of measurement techniques. nanoIndEx Workshop on "Assessment of personal exposure to airborne nanomaterials", 31. Mai 2016, Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Todea A. M. (2016). Field measurements in a pilot scale facility for the production of NP. nanoIndEx Workshop on "Assessment of personal exposure to airborne nanomaterials", 31. Mai 2016, Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Meyer-Plath A., Simonow B. (2016). Field measurements in facilities handling CNT materials. nanoIndEx Workshop on "Assessment of personal exposure to airborne nanomaterials", 31. Mai 2016, Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Meyer-Plath A., Simonow B. (2016). Applicability of personal instrumentation for measuring exposure to fiber aerosols. nanoIndEx Workshop on "Assessment of personal exposure to airborne nanomaterials", ", 31. Mai 2016, Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Iavicoli I., A.M. Todea, C. Asbach (2016). Field measurements in a nano-lab. nanoIndEx Workshop on "Assessment of personal exposure to airborne nanomaterials", 31. Mai 2016, Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C. (2016). Bestimmung der persönlichen Exposition gegenüber luftgetragenen Nanomaterialien mit personengebundenen Sammlern und Monitoren. NanoCare Clustertreffen, 2-3. Mai 2016, Frankfurt, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C. (2016). Personal nanoparticle exposure measurement. 4th Workplace and Indoor Aerosols Conference, 20-22. April 2016, Barcelona, Spanien. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C. , H. Kaminski, M. Fierz, A.M. Todea (2016). Sampling tubes for personal nanoparticle exposure monitors can introduce drastic measurement errors. 4th Workplace and Indoor Aerosols Conference, April 20–22, 2016, Barcelona, Spain. [Poster]
- Meyer-Plath A. (2016). Fibrous nano and advanced materials. International BAuA Symposium "WHO fibres from nanomaterials and other advanced materials: Do we have to tackle a new asbestos problem in OSH?", 20. April 2016, Dortmund, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Meyer-Plath A. , B. Simonow, D. Wenzlaff, A.M. Todea, B. Faure, C. Asbach, S. Clavaguera,N. Dziurowitz, M. Fierz, A.S. Fonseca, M. Viana, S. Plitzko, C. Thim (2016). Assessment of Workplace Exposure to Carbon Nanotubes with Personal and Stationary Instruments. International BAuA Symposium "WHO fibres from nanomaterials and other advanced materials: Do we have to tackle a new asbestos problem in OSH?", 20. April 2016, Dortmund, Deutschland. [Poster]
- Asbach C. (2016). Remember the small giants – Exposure measurement in view of risk assessment. PhD Defense of Patrik Nilsson at Lund University, 29. Februar 2016. Lund, Schweden. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C., Kaminski H., Lamboy Y., Fierz M., Todea A.M. (2016). Artefakte durch Probenahmeschläuche bei der Messung mit unipolaren Diffusionsaufladern. Jahrestagung Processnet Fachgruppe Partikelmesstechnik, 17. Februar 2016, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C. (2016). Messtechnik für luftgetragene Nanopartikel. fms/Processnet Gemeinschaftsausschuss Sensoren und Sensorsysteme, 28. Januar 2016, Frankfurt, Deutschland. [Vortrag]
- Fierz M. (2016). nanoIndex: assessment of individual exposure to nanoparticles. Begleitgruppensitzung Aktionsplan synthetische Nanomaterialien, January 22, 2016, Bern, Schweiz. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C. (2016). Measurement of personal exposure to airborne nanoparticles. Danish Centre for Nanosafety, 20. Januar 2016, Copenhagen, Dänemark. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C., H. Kaminski, S. Beckmann, C. Monz, D. Dahmann, M. Fierz, S. Clavaguera, B. Faure, N. Dziurowitz, A. Meyer-Plath, B. Dettlaff, I. Iavicoli, L. Fontana, A. S. Fonseca, M. Viana, A. M. Todea (2015). Field Applicability of Personal Monitors for Assessing Worker Exposure to Airborne Nanomaterials. European Aerosol Conference, September 6–11, 2015, Milan, Italy. [Vortrag]
- Clavaguera S., B. Faure, C. Brouard, H. Giraud, H. Dozol, A. Guiot, AM. Todea, C. Asbach (2015). Evaluation of a personal sampler for the assessment of mass-based exposure to airborne nanoparticles. September 6–11, 2015, Milan, Italy. [Vortrag]
- Dettlaff B. K., Wenzlaff D., Meyer Plath A., Plitzko S. (2015). Development of an aerosol generation technique for continuously produced Carbon Nanotube aerosols containing a large fraction of individual fibers. European Aerosol Conference, 6–11September 2015, Mailand, Italien. [Vortrag]
- Fonseca A.S., M. Viana, X. Querol, N. Pérez, A. Alastuey, A. M. Todea, C. Monz, C. Asbach (2015). Intercomparison of portable and stationary SMPSs for nanoscale aerosol measurements. European Aerosol Conference, September 6–11, 2015, Milan, Italy. [Vortrag]
- Fonseca A.S., Viana M., Querol X., N. Pérez, A. Alastuey, A.M. Todea, C. Monz, C. Asbach (2015). Intercomparison of portable and stationary SMPSs for nanoscale aerosol measurements. European Aerosol Conference, 6–11September 2015, Mailand, Italien. [Poster]
- Meyer-Plath A. (2015). Development of an aerosol generation technique for continuously produced Carbon Nanotube aerosols containing a large fraction of individual fibers. European Aerosol Conference, September 6–11, 2015, Milan, Italy. [Vortrag]
- Simonow B. , D. Wenzlaff, A. Meyer-Plath, S. Plitzko (2015). Development of an aerosol generation technique for continuously produced Carbon Nanotube aerosols containing a large fraction of individual fibers. European Aerosol Conference, 6–11September 2015, Mailand, Italien. [Poster]
- Meyer-Plath A., B. Simonow, D. Wenzlaff, A.M. Todea, B. Faure, C. Asbach, S. Clavaguera N. Dziurowitz, M. Fierz, A.S. Fonseca, M. Viana, S. Plitzko, C. Thim (2015). Assessment of Workplace Exposure to Carbon Nanotubes with Personal and Stationary Instruments Workplace Exposure Assessment. Carbon 2015, July 12–17, 2015, Dresden, Germany. [Poster]
- Asbach C., H. Kaminski, B. Stahlmecke, C. Monz, D. Dahmann, M. Fierz, S. Clavaguera, B. Faure, N. Dziurowitz, A. Meyer-Plath, B. Dettlaff, A. S. Godinho de Fonseca, M. Viana, A. M. Todea (2015). Comparability and accuracy of personal nanoparticle exposure monitors. Aerosol Technology 2015, June 15–17, Tampere, Finland. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C. (2015): NanoIndEx: Assessment of individual exposure to manufactured nanomaterialsby means of personal monitors and samplers, EuroNanoForum, June 12, Riga, Latvija. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C. (2015). Realtime monitors for respiratory deposition: prospects and pitfalls. American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), June 4th, 2015, Salt Lake City, USA. [Vortrag]
- Todea A.M., H. Kaminski, C. Monz, D. Dahmann, M. Fierz, S. Clavaguera, B. Faure, N. Dziurowitz, A. Meyer-Plath, B. Dettlaff, A. S. Godinho de Fonseca, M. Viana, C. Asbach (2015). Genauigkeit und Vergleichbarkeit personengetragener Monitore zur Expositionsüberwachung gegenüber Nanopartikeln. NanoCare Clustertreffen, May 19–20, 2015, Frankfurt, Germany. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C. (2015). Expositionsbestimmung gegenüber luftgetragenen Nanomaterialien mithilfe von personengetragenen Messgeräten. NanoCare Clustertreffen, May 19th, 2015, Frankfurt, Germany. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C., A.M. Todea, S. Plitzko, A.Meyer-Plath, M. van Tongeren, L. MacCalman, M. Fierz, D. Dahmann, I. Iavicoli, S. Clavaguera (2015). Bestimmung der persönlichen Exposition gegenüber luftgetragenen Nanomaterialien mit personengebundenen Sammlern und Monitoren. BMBF i-WING Konferenz, April 27–29, 2015, Dresden, Germany. [Vortrag]
- Todea A.M., T.A.J. Kuhlbusch, S. Beckmann, C. Asbach (2015). Laboratory investigations on the accuracy of personal monitors to measure the individual exposure to nanoparticles. SENN conference, April 12-15, 2015, Helsinki, Finland. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C., H. Kaminski, C. Monz, D. Dahmann, M. Fierz, S. Clavaguera, B. Faure, N. Dziurowitz, A. Meyer-Plath, B. Dettlaff, A. S. Godinho de Fonseca, M. Viana, A. M. Todea (2015). Genauigkeit und Vergleichbarkeit personengetragener Aerosolmesstechnik zur Expositionsbestimmung. Jahrestagung der Processnet Fachgruppe Partikelmesstechnik, March 18–20, 2015, Magdeburg, Germany. [Vortrag]
- Dahmann D. (2015). Occupational exposure assessment of Engineered Nanomaterials. Symposium on the health protection of the Nanomaterial Workers International Commission on Occupational Health, February 25, 2015, Rome, Italy. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C. (2015). Exposure to nanoparticles, Composietstof : geen vuiltje aan de lucht? Symposium at KU Leuven, January 29, 2015, Leuven, Belgium. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C. (2015). Messtechnik und Messstrategie zur Expositionserfassung am Arbeitsplatz. NanoVision 2015, January 21, 2015 Stuttgart, Germany. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C. (2015). Assessment of Personal Exposure to Airborne Nanoparticles. Colloquium at the Institute for Tropospheric Research, January 15, 2015 Leipzig, Germany. [Vortrag]
- Faure B., H. Dozol, A. Guiot, S. Clavaguera, A. M. Todea, C. Asbach (2014). Mass v. Number Based Exposure Assessment to Nanoparticles, a Comparison of a Personal Sampler and Monitors. NanoSafe 2014 Conference, November 18–20, 2014, Grenoble, France. [Vortrag]
- Faure B., H. Dozol, A. Guiot, S. Clavaguera, A. M. Todea, C. Asbach (2014). Number Vs mass-based exposure assessment to Nanoparticles, a comparison of a personal sampler and monitors. Nanosafety Forum for Young Scientists, October 8–9, 2014, Syracuse, Sicily. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C., H. Kaminski, C. Monz, D. Dahmann, M. Fierz, S. Clavaguera, H. Dozol, B. Faure, N. Dziurowitz, A. Meyer-Plath, B. Dettlaff, A. S. Godinho de Fonseca, M. Viana, T. A. J. Kuhlbusch, A. M. Todea (2014). Review of personal samplers and monitors for nanoparticle exposure assessment. International Aerosol Conference, August 28–September 2, 2014, Pusan, Korea. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C., A.M. Todea, S. Plitzko, M. van Tongeren, L. MacCalman, M. Fierz, D. Dahmann, I. Iavicoli, S. Clavaguera (2014). Assessment of individual exposure to manufactured nanomaterials. Aerosol Technology, June 16–18, 2014, Karlsruhe, Germany. [Poster]
- Dahmann D., C. Monz, C. Monsé, C. Asbach, H. Kaminski (2014). Quality control in nanoparticle exposure measurements – The Nano Test Center. June 16–18, 2014, Conference on Aerosol Technology, Karlsruhe. [Vortrag]
- Todea A.M., H. Kaminski, C. Monz, D. Dahmann, M. Fierz, S. Clavaguera, H. Dozol, B. Faure, N. Dziurowitz, A. Meyer-Plath, A. S. Godinho de Fonseca, M. Viana, C. Asbach (2014). Comparability of personal monitors and samplers for nanoparticle exposure studies. June 16–18, 2014, Conference on Aerosol Technology, Karlsruhe. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C., H. Kaminski, C. Monz, D. Dahmann, M. Fierz, S. Clavaguera, H. Dozol, B. Faure, N. Dziurowitz, A. Meyer-Plath, A. S. Godinho de Fonseca, M. Viana, A. M. Todea (2014). Means for personal nanoparticle exposure assessment: A review. 3rd Workplace and Indoor Aerosols Conference, May 13–15, 2014. Wroclaw, Poland. [Vortrag]
- Asbach C., T. A. J. Kuhlbusch, S. Plitzko, M. van Tongeren, M. Fierz, D. Dahmann, I. Iavicoli, S. Clavaguera (2013). Assessment of individual exposure to manufactured nanomaterials by means of personal monitors and samplers. nanOEH conference, Nagoya, November 28–31, 2013. [POSTER]
- Dahmann D., C. Monz, C. Monsé, C. Asbach, H. Kaminski (2013). Quality Control in Nanoparticle Aerosol Exposure Measurements – The Nano Test Center. nanOEH conference, Nagoya, November 28–31, 2013. [Vortrag]