Spotlight October 2020: Nanosafety – Topic of the Future

Home > Spotlight October 2020: Nanosafety – Topic of the Future

Research on nanosafety is a driver of innovation as the spotlight in July has demonstrated. But furthermore, this research field is built on routine as well if researchers look for the “needle in the haystack”. In many areas the safety research initiates the development of new methods, e.g. for the determination of nanoparticles within exposed organisms via the high-resolution analytical scanning transmission electron microscopy (HRSTEM) or helps with the establishment of reliable test guidelines. This and many more topics on body barriers or the immune system are combined in this cross cutting issue about “Future Nanosafety” by Krug and Krägeloh (2020).


This special issue on “Future Nanosafety” sketches organ specific effects of nanomaterials, demonstrates examples for new applications and offers new insights into biological mechanisms affected by nanomaterials. This collection of 17 scientific articles from important labs all over the world presents not only operation procedures for future test methods but includes also alternatives for animal testing or safe-by-design processes and introduces new detection methods for nanoparticles in the body or in consumer products.


Original Publication:

Harald Krug and Annette Kraegeloh (2020), Future Nanosafety. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2020, 33, 5, 1037–1038. DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.0c00166

Spotlight October 2020: Nanosafety – Topic of the Future

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