Spotlight August 2023: From principles to reality. FAIR implementation in the nanosafety community

Home > Spotlight August 2023: From principles to reality. FAIR implementation in the nanosafety community

In the August 2023 Spotlight, we present a paper that addresses the implementation of FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability) Data in nanosafety research.
The authors introduce the new AdvancedNano GO FAIR Implementation Network (see also established as part of the GO FAIR initiative. The paper highlights the AdvancedNano GO FAIR Implementation Network’s support of the nanosafety community in implementing FAIR to maximize data-driven safe and sustainable application of nano and advanced materials. The paper details the challenges for FAIR implementation, the impact and the developed AdvancedNano IN action plan.


Original publication:

Dumit, V. I., A. Ammar, M. I. Bakker, M. A. Bañares, C. Bossa, A. Costa, H. Cowie, D. Drobne, T. E. Exner, L. Farcal, S. Friedrichs, I. Furxhi, R. Grafström, A. Haase, M. Himly, N. Jeliazkova, I. Lynch, D. Maier, C. W. Noorlander, H. K. Shin, G. J. A. A. Soler-Illia, B. Suarez-Merino, E. Willighagen and P. Nymark (2023). „From principles to reality. FAIR implementation in the nanosafety community.“ Nano Today 51.


Spotlight August 2023: From principles to reality. FAIR implementation in the nanosafety community

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