Spotlight August 2021: Towards FAIR nanosafety data

Home > Spotlight August 2021: Towards FAIR nanosafety data

In August we would like to present a paper on FAIR data.
The paper published in Nature Nanotechnology in June 2021 summarises the challenges and provides recommendations for the efficient reuse of nanosafety data in line with the recently established FAIR guiding principles: findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. This article summarises the know-how on the collection, replenishment and reuse of data in the eNanoMapper database ( from a variety of EU-funded projects, with a particular focus on the “FAIRification” of data from the EU Horizon 2020 project NanoReg2 (
The paper summarizes challenges and provides recommendations for the efficient reuse of nanosafety data, in line with the recently established FAIR guiding principles.

In the current study, the process of FAIRifying nanosafety data led to the identification of 13 challenges, as summarized below in line with the FAIR principles and presented along with lessons learned. The experience compiled in this article serves as an example and sets the scene for ongoing continued efforts to gather and generate inherently FAIR nanosafety data to support an efficient governance and regulation of nanomaterials.


Original Publication:

Jeliazkova, N., M. D. Apostolova, C. Andreoli, F. Barone, A. Barrick, C. Battistelli, C. Bossa, A. Botea-Petcu, A. Chatel, I. De Angelis, M. Dusinska, N. El Yamani, D. Gheorghe, A. Giusti, P. Gomez-Fernandez, R. Grafstrom, M. Gromelski, N. R. Jacobsen, V. Jeliazkov, K. A. Jensen, N. Kochev, P. Kohonen, N. Manier, E. Mariussen, A. Mech, J. M. Navas, V. Paskaleva, A. Precupas, T. Puzyn, K. Rasmussen, P. Ritchie, I. R. Llopis, E. Runden-Pran, R. Sandu, N. Shandilya, S. Tanasescu, A. Haase and P. Nymark (2021). “Towards FAIR nanosafety data.” Nat Nanotechnol 16(6): 644-654.

Spotlight August 2021: Towards FAIR nanosafety data

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